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Everything posted by ladyteruki

  1. Really looking forward to what BTT will bring this time (I dream of corrugated roofs and chain link fences in Ark, sue me !), especially since this DLC has been the most exciting part of ASA so far. Also kinda curious about what paid creature BTT will introduce (since the Dread is part of the free map), but much less. Plus, more time for Ragnarok is GOOD. *clenches jaw* Honestly if it turns out to introduce gameplay that can limit the effect of pillars (with contesting mechanics, for instance), this is good. But otherwise... this is not going to make life on servers any healthier. Especially in PvE where there is no alternative.
  2. Probably that I've missed an episode, but is there going to be a airship in the BTT update ? Previous concept art seemed to imply there would be one included with Aberration's steampunk content, but I don't remember reading anything about it since, while this recap would have been the perfect place to bring it up. (I keep finding it weird that the new spider is called "Cosmo" and not "The Cosmo" XD ) It should be illegal to be as talented as ampreh... It's just not fair for everyone else. WildCard needs to commission an entire ARK comic book from them or something.
  3. Personally I'm of the mindset that it's better to have dinosaurs for that than automatons (plenty of other games have robots, ARK's the dinosaur one), but that said... ...repairing structures autonomously is a cool feature. Also those Owl Griffins are very cute.
  4. I swear the design of the Yi Thing changes every time we see it. Then again the initial concept art was um, not universally liked, to say the least, and the only way was up. This looks a bit closer to the proposed design, I'd say. Congrats on making it into the Community Crunch this week, GP !
  5. Oh hello, Maevia Eureka. Fancy meeting you here... in shoulder pet form ? I'm a bit confused by the term "Cosmo" which seems to imply that it's a character name, not a species name. Is it not a tame like the Oasisaur, it's a companion more similar to HLNA ? Intriguing.
  6. Don't worry, I think I can speak for everyone when I say that noone expected Aberration to be released in July. It doesn't help your reputation about delays, but other than that, no big deal. I think overall WildCard just needs to learn how to announce dates that are more reasonable and in line with the work that actually is already done. Anyway, looking forward to seeing which will be the next ARK Additions creature in the meantime. Well I know that's a lie XD I wonder what you were waiting on before publishing this post. This is pure brilliance !
  7. Thank you for this laugh ! It's wonderful to know that players are heard... but listening to feedback only when it's mostly positive is meaningless if you don't equally listen and show interest when it's mostly negative. We're not seeing you taking many suggestions into account then, are we ?
  8. God, can you imagine ? They would have postponed The Center's release just to announce a new (even if smaller) map right afterwards ? I would laugh SO HARD.
  9. I don't even really understand what that Club is. Is it a neutral community structure you can place on a server ? Do we really need to keep inventing new things all the time, thus splitting the dev team even further between tasks ? This will never not make me emotional.
  10. Haha, well, I can guarantee you that there are people who love The Center. I mean not as many as Ragnarok, for sure, but it has its fanbase. And seeing it blossom into an updated, gorgeous map is one of the things I look forward to the most about ASA's entire trajectory as we currently know it ! I can't wait to see what new "gameplay" (if any) is going to come with it, or simply how gorgeous its famous pillars will look. Fingers crossed that The Center's center has some interesting things to see or do, now ! It IS important. Fingers crossed that this sentence ages well in the upcoming days. Why do you make people use a secondary platform (that not everyone is active on), when you have a perfectly suitable and integrable way to do polls on the official website, as seen with the creature votes ? It'd been a while since I last loved an ARK fanart as much as this one.
  11. It's of course slightly disappointing that the result is so different from the reason why we voted for this creature, but I don't mind all that much that the submarine section is under its belly. It looks a bit weird because of how it's attached, however. I think you did a great job at explaining why this creature ends up being the way it is, and you should absolutely do that more often, especially whenever votes are involved (looking at you, Yi Ling). This is the kind of post that shows your commitment to trying to make things work within the limitations of the engine (and/or of the team), and that passion makes it easier to forget almost any kind of disappointment. This kind of post is what I wish you wrote more often, not even necessarily about new creatures, in that it assumes that we're smart enough to understand the nuance of what you explain, while still showing that you were up for the challenge and really wanted this to work. And I don't think I'm the only one in this, I'm seeing a lot of positive response to it. We want to see behind the scenes, peek behind the curtain and feel your passion for the game, instead of only being told things relevant to a new release, and then going back to silence. Explain to us why you make the choices that you make. Explain to us the work that goes into it. Share with us about your work to let us feel your passion. This is absolutely the way. The incomparable GP has a great video about it I don't know about that entirely, because they also change the design of the creature sometimes XD See also : Yi Qi/Yi Ling.
  12. It's so weird to tease something on social media (on platforms where not everyone is...) and be completely silent about it a few hours later, on your official website in the weekly appointment you have with the community. This Shasta art is pretty cool, though, not gonna lie Always happy to see Bemo featured in the Community Crunch As for LolsAtLance, it's just a brilliant build ! The community is lucky to have that whole new crop of builders who bring their creativity and enthusiasm to ASA.
  13. It's amazing that Garuga's creatures are set to slowly join ASA. He's been so consistently amazing with his creations that I'll go as far as to call it overdue. I never understood why only modded maps had the privilege of becoming basegame in ASE, for starters. Plus, it's a fantastic way to release content more regularly. I'm looking forward to learning how and where the Cerato will spawn ; it's not my favorite ARK Additions creature but the implementation will be interesting to see, and will tell us about the implementation of future ARK Additions creatures. That actually sounds good. We'll see how the mod devs handle this new flexibility, since it's entirely down to them now.
  14. ...In case you missed it, this week Paramount+ released this video related to ARK: The Animated Series : You make it sound like it's the TLC this map deserves. (I personally hadn't realized it had a Tolkien feel the first time, so clearly it's needed in more ways than one)
  15. Oh cool, some behind the scenes for the ARK: The Animated Series ! I feel heard, it almost comes as a shock ! Moar ! (along with a predictable delay)
  16. I wish you gave us some behind-the-scenes content about the animated series. An interview about the writing decisions, or showing some scenes being animated, or... it already feels like it's old news to you. It was yesterday. Glad that you see it and clarify things. More of that, more often.
  17. It's insane to me that you release empty Community Crunches like this, when it would cost nothing to write about an upcoming patch like the one you just released a few days later. You'd buy goodwill from your playerbase for free. Even if you weren't sure of when this patch would be released, at least mentioning a few things that were being worked on would have been better than THIS. You just added a customization option and it's hidden in the patch notes on a Monday, while your Community Crunch, your one weekly appointment with the players on Fridays, doesn't even mention it being worked on ? It's like you love being badmouthed by the community. Why are you always communicating in the worst possible way with your customers ? Whoever makes those decisions must be aware of the discontent this creates for no good reason. If not, they need to stop making decisions.
  18. Thanks for explaining, I wasn't aware how it worked. Ok if it's a paint, it's not so bad. I still don't like the idea of things installing without my saying so just because I'm flying near a base or running into someone (like, some countries have laws about specific imagery that is illegal to be in possession of... when stuff wasn't downloading on my computer, the laws of my country didn't apply to other people's bases, but now they kinda do). But it's not as bad as loading actual skins, as long as they're temporary files and not just piling up in a folder just because I once tamed a Megalodon near a decorated raft, or something XD
  19. So you'd say it's more paint than skin ? "Cosmetics" usually refers to skin-like stuff. Yeah if it works like paint I can see how that would not carry a virus indeed. But then... why does it need to be downloaded ? In ASE did we download something when someone would freehand a paint and we'd render their character ?
  20. Both official and unofficial appear to benefit from this technology once it's implemented, according to the paragraph above. The way it's written seems to say that nothing is downloaded ON THE SERVER SIDE. But there is a download ON THE CLIENT SIDE, since they do say : That makes rule-breaking behavior hard to moderate. If you're on a server where racist content is forbidden, and someone makes, I don't know, a Confederate flag outfit... then admins have no way of blocking that rule-breaking content since it doesn't even pass through their server.
  21. Yeah... I thought it'd be a reskin of an existing creature. Like, say, a Hadrosaur with the same abilities as the Iguanodon, for instance. You have a cool unique tame with custom sounds and animations, but it doesn't give you the upper hand. Wonder how creatures are going to be "acquired", actually. The Oasisaur can't possibly be spawning only for you to tame it, you know what I mean ? That'd break every rule of an online game if no other creature but you can perceive it, and it can't be killed while you try to tame it (that thing is as large as at least 5 Wyverns, it would make no sense !). But on the other hand, it's not like owning the pack immediately gives you as many of an OP creature as you want, of course. So I'm quite note picturing how it'll work. Say you're the only one on the server who has bought the Frontier pack, can you unclaim the Oasisaur for someone else to claim it ? That's how it worked in ASE... (sidenote : the lovely dino-selling con artists will love this) Or does it disappear the minute you unclaim it, risking for some pretty nasty incidents ? Can it be cryo'd and captured during a raid ? Am I crazy or was that never explained ? Same as the premium mods' practicality never being explained ? Like, is it possible to see what premium mods are on a server before loading it ? Who is even paying for it between the server owner and the players ? Did I miss something ?
  22. The Oasisaur is MASSIVE. And it flies/levitates ? And it has a... private lake ?! I'm gonna stop you RIGHT THERE. First of all, don't install sh*t on my computer that other players make without my consent, simply because we play on the same server. Just as a rule. And second of all, there is no way that one player deciding what others have to install in order to render a base will backfire, ever. As we all know, noone in this community is toxic. There will not be rule-breaking content, there will not be attempts to slip in a virus of some sort, nothing of the sort. We're all happy unicorns in the garden of Eden.
  23. Happy holidays everyone Hopefully in 2024 we resume the creature submissions, I miss seeing all the great ideas coming from the community. PS : the screenshot of the campfire stories has to be my favorite in weeks. Well done, GP !
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