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Early Birds
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Everything posted by Kaylers81

  1. This is actually a fact, as I'm one of these players. It's beyond disheartening to see the developers have abandoned their past promises that would have actually made this game enjoyable again. The bugs are insurmountable and the gameplay has become stale. The design and lack of content is forcing this game into near Extinction like the dinosaurs it uses. Maybe it's time to give the community what you promised and has been asked for since you officially released you'd implement the alleged ten mods a month you pay for to help be designed. Your interest base is in those, not the work you all have been doing. You speak of quality of life changes, then give the quality begged for time and time again. Help the modders, if you're actually capable of doing so with what seems to be a limited coding knowledge you are portraying. Or are you seriously thinking that working on ark 2, as said in a recent interview will actually work out for you with your fan base dying from the false promises to keep people around and depressingly inaffective content updates.
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