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Everything posted by Otikoruk

  1. ASE had a version of official that only allowed transfer between one of each map, so each cluster would only have one island, one scorched, one aberration, etc. Me and my crew REALLY miss this style of play, because diplomacy with the little guy actually mattered, you could overthrow the alpha if you had the grit, smarts, and stealth, and every choice actually mattered - you weren't at the mercy of one of a hundred nameless megatribes with infinite resources and hours. As a resident of ASE's NA-PVP-CROSSARK8 serverset, I can't say I'll (or my tribe) will play ark again unless these crossark clusters are released. To reiterate, the adrenaline of your first 130 giga, knowing a tribe of similar or larger size was coming for you, but not when, forming non-aggression and defensive pacts, and being able to get revenge through intel-sharing in an intricate and ever shifting web of alliances was the best, and big officials will never be able to replicate that for the average player like crossark could.
  2. Yes it does. Players don't seem to be cleaned up correctly, either, so having 500 unique players means it's time to reboot.
  3. Now, before you tell me "oH yOu DoN'T nEeD a ClUsTeR wHeN tHeRe'S oNlY oNe MaP", ascension cave uploads your character. If you have `NoTributeDownload=true` to disable people bringing admin rifles and level 15000 electric wyverms from single player, none of your items (namely the chibis acquired from killing the overseer) come with you, since, well, downloads are disabled. Further: Server configuration - ARK Official Community Wiki states that the ASA clustering commandline options are disabled (which in testing seems to be 100% true), but several big official players have chibis, which means that clustering is certainly enabled on there, so I'd really like to know how officials are doing it. I keep getting search-locked on the forum (Retry in 1.8 million seconds!), and the various discords have also been of no help. Though I am bare-metal hosting my server, I'll even take info on how to nitrado cluster servers since I currently have access to a nitrado CPanel. Thank you in advance!
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