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Everything posted by WookieWizard

  1. Logged in facing a wall. Took me a moment to orient myself because I didn't expect to be there. No worries, though; I just turned around and ran up the stairs to the breeding room. I wanted to check on the eggs I had in the fridge, getting ready for the weekend. I ran up to the fridge but couldn't open it. Crap. Lag. So I fidgeted for a moment and turned around to try the fridge again, and found myself facing a wall. Took me a moment to orient myself because I didn't expect to be there. No worries, though; I just turned around and ran up the stairs to the breeding room. I wanted to check on the eggs I had in the fridge, getting ready for the weekend. I ran up to the fridge and found myself facing a wall. Took me a moment to orient myself because I didn't expect to be there. No worries, though; I just turned around and was facing a wall. Took me a moment to orient myself because I didn't expect to facing a wall. Took me a moment to face a wall. Then I logged out. Pretty sure I was facing a wall when I did that too.
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