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Everything posted by AprilMaxRush

  1. These server stats are not accurate GAME PLAY Stats. Because of the OP Alpha PARA locators, most players, leave the base and look for the quick kill before logoff. In most cases its these creatures for quick kill. Now its even worse on XBOX with the RENDER Glitch exposing EVERYTHING to the OLR griefers. WC should provide a way to HIDE cherished loot. I worked to get it, I should be able to keep it. At least a small loot bag that CANNOT be RENDER Revealed or ORBIT CAM revealed. If I keep it a base its fair game for online pvp raid, but if I hide it, its should be on the raider to track me/it down during online access. I know nothing is going to be done, just belching....
  2. auto destroy tames if rider leaves zone for longer than 20min, about the time your dead body decays if killed. place beds outside zone for retreival
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