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Early Birds
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Posts posted by Larhah

  1. 11 minutes ago, ferraldwarf68 said:

    Ah crap, gotta pay for my legacy servers?

    My server was one getting deleted. If your server wasn't deleted, you won't have to pay. If you're like me, though, and were hoping to have the save files to play on an unofficial dedicated server, then yeah, you'll have to pay Nitrado, because apparently there's "sensitive information" in the save files. I wish they'd just delete that "sensitive information" and give us the rest for free.

  2. @Jat You just broke my heart with the news that we won't have access to the save files without paying a subscription. I just wanted to have the dinosaurs I invested real-world time into breeding available on a private server. But first it was impossible to transfer from Official to Unofficial, and now you're telling me I can only have them if I pay a continuing subscription for them? Will I at least be able to transfer from the paid unofficial server to my own unpaid unofficial server, so I don't have to KEEP paying Nitrado for a service I neither need nor want?

    I have a computer ready to run a server, all the settings tailored to my preferences, I just can't get the dinos over there. Is my only option really to cheat-spawn new dinos (without the mutation stats the old ones had), cheat them to the colors the old ones had, and pretend that they're the same? If that's the case, I really wish you'd told us that up front, so I wouldn't have spent the last two weeks maintaining dinosaurs I erroneously thought I'd get save files for. You get to make whatever decisions you want, but I wish you'd be honest with us about what those were going to be so we could plan accordingly. I'd rather be disappointed and move on than have my hopes crushed and be more disappointed in the end. Especially since I could have moved things to a Legacy server that will survive the release, if you'd alerted us what "we will make the save files available" was really going to mean more than 3 hours before their server got destroyed.

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  3. @Jen @Jat Where are the save files? You said "before Saturday," but it's now Monday, and everything gets destroyed tomorrow? Which Saturday did you mean? Saturday after release, when everything is gone already? Saturday sometime next month? Please just post them! I'd wanted to preserve things as an unofficial server, but my base has already been raided, and a bunch of what I wanted to keep was killed. The base was still intact before Saturday. I have no idea what it will be like by the end of tonight.

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