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Everything posted by MirageUK

  1. Must be something with the cryo's that's crashing it out then. That's the only real thing that's changed. As usual, if you can provide the backup, I'll investigate.
  2. I actually changed it to put them stats back into the wild to replicate what we had for ASE.. not done any breeding for ASA but did wonder why they weren't in the base stats anymore and were counted as "TamedMutationPoints" or something similarly named. I'll have a look at extending ASV so we have "base, tamed, mutated" views for ASA.
  3. now available to download https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U_SIb7aoia5CKJ2xuHwGpLlJJvEwoaPT/view?usp=drive_link https://github.com/miragedmuk/ASV/releases/tag/ASA Features Support for cryopod stored creatures. No inventory support yet but working on it. Added "Created" to Player Structures tab.. again. Thanks goes out to all those helping parse the file format: Kakoen has been the main man to bring us all together in Discord whilst working on a Java library to parse the ASA data format - check his work out at https://github.com/Kakoen/ark-sa-save-tools Don_Corleon who has also been very helpful in deciphering the format and working on his own Python parser at https://github.com/DonCorleon/arksavetools/tree/master/arksavetools .. and also anybody else who has helped out behind the scenes and you guys for your patience and support in providing me with some decent test data.
  4. Extremely close now... any volunteers got a backup with a decent number of official cryopods I can test against? My own single player only has 3 podded creatures and be nice to have a larger dataset to test on before putting together a release. I'll have to see whether the cryopod mods work the same way too once I'm happy with the official pods first.
  5. Something weird going on with my source control. Just checked and it's not there but I definitely coded and addded it. I'll re-add it but does make me wonder what else might have been reverted.
  6. now available. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yiggCnQZ3hjsq-uC588PtyeZRbbmkKrs/view?usp=drive_link https://github.com/miragedmuk/ASV/releases/tag/ASA Fixes Mainly just removal of my "test" cryopod code which tried to write out to C:\temp\ Some wilds were not being displayed (Achatina) Some player profiles were not being read in. Sorry guys but Cryopod work is still in progress. They used some "magic" flags for the compression before doing zlib and we're still trying to work out the meaning of these to get the raw format we expect to parse. I'll have an update out as soon as we have something reliable and consistently readable from all cryo data.
  7. Nope, nothing special required. So long as you can access TheIsland_WP.ark it should be good. Few issues with it atm but none that have stopped it loading completely. If you can upload your files somewhere I can investigate further.
  8. FYI I'm still working on cryopod support guys. Couple more days and I think I should have it working and released to you.
  9. Doh!!.. some test code escaped. I'll fix it and get another release out but it's going to be the morning now. C:\temp\cryo0.bin That's my test output of the cryo data bytes as a binary file so I could better analyze them to see what was going on. Apologies for that. If you're desparate to run it before I get another update out I think creating C:\temp\ (if possible) will allow it to run at least.
  10. now available. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1usA0yzPmKT1AYVP217t3CY2C38vf-98X/view?usp=drive_link https://github.com/miragedmuk/ASV/releases/tag/ASA Fixes ASA - Player data read and allocation for tribe fixed to prevent same player in team and solo tribe. ASA - Player profile read fixed so it should now recognise all .arkprofile files and not just read some in. FTP browser now allows you to SAVE when selecting a .gz file.
  11. Install Microsoft.net 6 runtime and desktop runtime components. Launch ArkViewer.exe and select your mode. Unless you're running it locally to your save data it's probably going to be FTP. Enter a friendly server name then the host, port, username and password to hit connect and browse for your save file. Switch over to the "RCON" tab and setup them details too before saving. In the current version there is an issue where it won't allow you to "Save" any ftp server without selectin the raw TheIsland_WP.ark file. Next release will allow selection of .gz too.
  12. https://ko-fi.com/mirageuk Also thanks for the info on the "Smartscreen" stuff. I'll investigate what is required to get it running without that causing an issue. ..edit.. Apparently I can submit it to Microsoft to review and add to a list of recognised apps: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security/operating-system-security/virus-and-threat-protection/microsoft-defender-smartscreen/
  13. I got a fix for the duplicate players - won't be until after work tomorrow now though. Issue is due to how I allocated player data to tribe data. I wasn't matching up the player id correctly with the "Members" of a tribe file so it created new "solo" tribes for them players but then also later added them to the correct tribe.
  14. Glad you found a "work-around" - had me scratching my head more than parsing some of the file formats
  15. You can set the log level in Nlog.config to TRACE - that will at least output something into asv.log if it even reaches the program start code.
  16. @Wikinger I'm not sure what else to suggest. It should just need the .Net runtime and .Net Desktop runtime for .Net 6 installing. Doesn't use anything special. Did you install the x64 versions? (if your Windows 11 is 64 bit).. and did you install them in order - the runtime first then the desktop runtime? Could I have missed something in the release for a "fresh install"? Have you tried copying the folder from your Win 10 machine first then overwriting with latest release?
  17. Do you have any AV installed that might be blocking it? I'm actually running Windows 11 preview (23606.ni_prerelease) myself and it works fine for me - although I do have the full dev tools installed.
  18. Its strange seeing max wilds of 152... and of all things on our server it's a baby compy with 2 melee mutations.
  19. now available. https://drive.google.com/file/d/12QBQ8-bUAOmTmKHYSEbbxLz3FqdwnWFI/view?usp=drive_link https://github.com/miragedmuk/ASV/releases/tag/ASA Fixes General - Accessing tribes tab no longer crashes the app. ASA - Further changes to ally in range dates. Features ASA - Painting structures now read in to use in the painting gallery tab.
  20. now available for download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pndLxJHR4E4Eto0X_qlrFKvCAsM3HGHg/view?usp=drive_link https://github.com/miragedmuk/ASV/releases/tag/ASA Features General - Added "Created" date to Structures grid. @StevenB ASVExport - Changed to a Windows Application instead of Console Application so it runs silently. @LustWare Fixes General - Tweaked how I read in last ally in range so only reads in when data has a value. ASA - Further tweaks to map image alignment. @sTv, @Nazfera2 & @Shinigati - It now supports Ark Ascended on or off of Nitrado @Slumnit - Github Releases updated to include latest builds available on my Google drive. ..edit.. I'll get another update out after work in an hour or so. Realised I broke the tribe tab (missing chart control)
  21. Version now available to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_slYxu-EYSGzC70C5yARa7m9v94dDD41/view?usp=drive_link https://github.com/miragedmuk/ASV/releases/tag/ASA Features General - Export CSV in UTF-8 with BOM. Turns out writing CSV with BOM was as simple as passing a 3rd parameter into File.WriteAllText to specificy Encoding.UTF8. @darkradeon ASA - Added Swaltfelheim mod map support. Fixes General - Fixed RCON connection and command sending. General - Re-mapped some structures which were incorrectly named "S+" variant ASA - Now correctly reads imprint data. Imprinter name and quality. ASA - Added new name map for Rhyniognatha ASA - Fixed read of LastAllyInRange for Structures. ASA - Fixed read of LastAllInRange for Tames. ASA - Now displays Wild babies when "Tameable" checked. ASA - Now excludes various Alphas when "Tameable" checked. Work in progress Better accuracy on the date stuff Better accuracy on the map image alignment... it aligns perfectly to my base on Herbivore Island.. but I'll need to place some structures in various places around the map and align up to all corners and a central marker to get it right.
  22. Version now available to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1imQlIz6sld3SawZc7BJXU6kKgK-z5FVa/view?usp=drive_link https://github.com/miragedmuk/ASV/releases/tag/ASA Fixes Now reads structres which are connected to "wireless" power or water sources. Either as the source or target. Now reads player data from game data where the .arkprofile data could not be parsed. Another alignment adjustment to the map image and grid overlay. Last updated timestamp now uses last write time and not created time. Todo: ASA - Investigate why some .arkprofile files are not reading in. ASA .... whatever else you guys find for me to debug / fix or enhance. ASA - Add support for mod map Svartalfheim ASA - Cryopod support. General - Fix RCON connection and non-detail specific copy/rcon commands.
  23. I'll be looking at Map Alignment and date stuff soon. I've cracked the imprinting stuff. Previously I relied on a value for PlayerId before reading in ImprinterName/ImprintQuality values.. which has changed in ASA so I didn't read in name/imprint quality values. I believe, with the help of others, we have also cracked the final property type and I'm now listing generators and stuff that is powered by them etc. Hopefully have an update out in the next couple of evenings. Just doing some more testing before I'm happy to put it out to you guys.
  24. Some don't include the non-tameable property so previously I used some regular expression to determine based on the class type pattern. I haven't done that yet for ASA.
  25. Not got chance to review player data or dates yet but some structures I aren't loading as they contain a property type I've not yet handled. Once they hit this property read they stop reading in so don't include all the properties that ASV needs. I'll get it sorted once I work out what I need to read in for these types. Thanks for your patience.
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