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Everything posted by MirageUK

  1. @Larkfields Yeah it'll be another fully open source job so you'll have access to the code once it's done. Got it returning results for "/asv-maptime", "/asv-serversummary" as basic commands and will look at expanding these to include the usual wilds/tames/structures etc. queries from ASV. .. and returning a blank map just to see if it was possible to return marked maps: It didn't seem to like responding with a lot of text so broke it down to use text files as responses. Some formatting required but basic concept seems to work. .. got it doing a basic link between discord user and ark player so it can limit the results around the radius of a player. Will probably add some admin based verification to this before blindly accepting what a user adds. Going to need some thought on how to implement the user selections. Auto-complete lists are limited to 25 lines in discord which is far too restrictive to be able to provide lists of dino types etc for user selection.
  2. @Wolfamid - uploads as usual please and I'll investigate. .... while I'm here. Any interest from anybody in a Discord bot option for ASV and if so any idea what you might want it to do? Just knocked something together to learn and managed to get it coded to respond to slash commands and provide text and images as response - so could potentially return ASV marked maps etc from command requests.
  3. Version now available. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_5RkPEd_a1kBrNxkgNwcNy6UXhMjVcfU/view?usp=sharing Features Increased game save file version check to allow read of console saves.
  4. Version now available for download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11k2p6nMbVhtBFJ_lKzsZdbs4fJ_H5S84/view?usp=sharing Features Mod map support added: TaeniaStella - The Renewal Alpha @BoRGaMeS
  5. @BoRGaMeS - typical - the one operation that requires me to be in-game to map out co-ords and I uninstalled ARK again just yesterday!!! Leave it with me - will need to get it all installed and running again to include your new map.
  6. Version now available for download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qeVbvGSRzuHfIaVNt9wVYRqYSgU_yeeZ/view?usp=sharing Features / Fixes Added player character name to item search when container is "player" or "cluster" @LustWare Fixed colour mapping for tamed highlights in Settings page @LustWare
  7. Will have a look after work this evening and sort the highlight colours.
  8. now available for download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SPoN2wO7U1CIvZSmZ8b8I6FwhA6Ne2T-/view?usp=sharing Fixes Added error handling to prevent crash when mods re-use component names used by standard ARK items. @CMoore
  9. Appears to have something to do with a "MissionDeployer_C_0" re-using same storage box name as one that already exists. Leave it with me, just about to start work so won't be able to investigate properly and provide a fix until this evening.
  10. now available: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HoM5iSzCvUCO74Ex04N-BOrGlDmN80rz/view?usp=sharing Features Added new configs to allow user to select own highlight background colours for tames: In Cryopod, In Vivarium and Uploaded. @LustWare
  11. Should already be off white (WhiteSmoke) compared to normal rows. I can look at making it more obvious though if needed.
  12. Yes you need to configure it with the cluster folder to see any "uploads" data. Tribe view shows only that tribe and players. Structures property is actually "LastAllyInRangeTime" so could relate to that tribe or any player of any allied tribe.
  13. now available to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tlvcIB9MfDF_wzV2uoalKtJVsnSZCBHF/view?usp=sharing Features Added user allocated "Name" and "Locked" columns to the Player Structures tab. @OneDarkJester Added same properties to the exported json player structure file.
  14. No idea - don't believe I ever used any "lock" feature when I was playing so wasn't aware one was available. Re-installing ARK atm so will see what I can find and let you know.
  15. now avilable. https://drive.google.com/file/d/18ngUacepoUcEQWMD3v9fyO1AsIQLOm5X/view?usp=sharing Fixes Failure to load when map contains a Tek Stryder with only 1 attachment slot. @tigernrw
  16. Glad it's helping so many people out. All started as a simple grid to show the best wilds to try and tame and introduce to our breeds on our own private server between friends. It became what it is due to one of them suggesting it'd be useful to others.. then after adding a few features and releasing it on here, you guys are the ones that kept it going with new requests, bug fixes and additions ... and I'm always keen to learn and fix things where I can. It could be much better had it been a real "project" instead of something I've just hacked together learning along the way.
  17. @tigernrw - Upload your save game somewhere I can access and I'll investigate and debug what's going on. Although I don't use it often I am on discord if you prefer to send me the link via that - cybermirageuk
  18. @rsharecn - sure. Version now available for download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yuwYT0K3LSjye82TJo5vrnwpIjIob7pw/view?usp=sharing Changes Added "Neutered" column to Tamed creatures grid. Added "isNeutered" to Tamed creature JSON output.
  19. @LustWare unfortunately not. Once a player becomes part of a tribe all structures are assigned to that Tribe Id - not the Player Id.
  20. Version now available to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OL2sbZzxKOjjfNDUyP-hjdrB1FX394-u/view?usp=sharing Fixes Crash on load when map contains a stored creature with no TargetTeam property. @LustWare
  21. @LustWare it appears to be a stored creature (cryopod/vivarium) that has somehow lost it's TargetingTeam property. I will add some defensive code so that it dosn't crash when attempting to replace this with the owner of the cryopod/cryofridge/vivarium it is in. Will do a new build and get it uploaded after work this evening.
  22. Version now available for download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vWBziEsjl1veusVJT5cQdiYYBwKsMt4_/view?usp=sharing Creature Id added to Tamed tab - @Wolfamid Last active now ignores Ally In Range and uses only player / tribe dates. Added "dataFile" to Tribe and Player exports with name of .arktribe / .arkprofile file it was read from - @Larkfields Added ability to see old player structures no longer belonging to a player / tribe (ASV Abandoned) - @BoRGaMeS
  23. @ANewHome - I'd need a backup of your save folder to work out what the issue is.
  24. @BoRGaMeS - ASV determines if a building is a player structure by checking for the existence of "OwnerName" or "bHasResetDecayTime" properties. The strucutres at the location you provided have neither of these so ASV does not see them as player structures. I will investigate after work to see if I can pick them up some other way.
  25. @BoRGaMeS I don't suppose you have either the CCC or GPS co-ords of the structures in game that are not being picked up by ASV?
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