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Early Birds
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Status Updates posted by Shawnb86

  1. They need to just stop giving out ETA'S 

  2. Why is scorched earth map sold separately I thought it came with are so that means I have to spend 80 dollars to get all maps

  3. What's up fellow survivors I'm about to start my own PS4 server anybody got any tips as far as settings or anything

    1. Koffekodd


      When i started one i startet with standard setup. Its only me and my friends who plays on it but we changed settings as we played and got it to where we like it.. 

  4. Any word on ps4 update 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shawnb86


      I'm mostly waiting for corps finder lol

    3. Zuesneith


      I'm waiting for a lot of the update, but not the more food consumption and gas consumption that generators use. I'm at the point where I feel like they are not going to update it until the official game release lol

    4. Shawnb86


      I feel the same 

  5. Does anyone know how to make coal

    1. Tokaira


      I'm pretty sure you just burn some wood in a fire


    2. Shawnb86


      That's charcoal 

  6. Thanks for the update the real Wild Card fans know you did all you could

  7. I guess it's good we had to wait for the update hopefully we won't have the problems that Xbox people are having right now

  8. Wooow people are going crazy on Twitter about the update. Don't worry jat there are some of us out here that know you're doing what you can ?????

  9. Is the ps4 update still happening today if so any idea what time

    1. Woodsfall75


      Ya   when is it coming im ready to tame and paint a megalania

    2. Triple3OG


      I still don't have the new update on ps4 I have it on Xbox one but I'm am becoming impatient lol

  10. I guess I can't play Ark until probably Tuesday since I have to wait for the update I feel stupid because I waited all day thanks sony

  11. Any news on the new update 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. EzGunzBlazzinn


      Someone please ask about Xbox Play Anywhere that's the only thing causing me to not play ARK and it's really sad :(

    3. emabeth


      10pm EST


    4. Houston3cs3rd


      When the official game is released for people that purchase the testing game 2 years ago do they lose everything

  12. Does anybody know when the new update is coming

    1. Pricedexponent


      pre sure its suppose to be out at some point today :) http://ark.gamepedia.com/Patch_Notes

    2. Shawnb86


      Hopefully I can't wait for the primitive plus update 

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