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Everything posted by Pallist

  1. How do we rework bases before balance??? Did you consider an upgrade system for turrets? So 1 turrets can equal 5 or even 10 turrets? 20% is a joke. Just put a turret into another turrets inventory and it "combines" them for 2x damage and higher capacity and rate of fire. Idk... Something. And do it before you flip the switch because we're stuck right now.
  2. You announce new servers and existing becoming legacy on August 8th. Most players I know are switching to new servers and have treated their game as such. Letting dinos die, not keeping up with breeding, members taking breaks and tribes running on next to nothing. Now you delay it for 3 weeks... You do understand the impact, right? I should have known. You guys can't even patch all the servers at the same time (I can't transfer back because servers are on different versions this morning) let alone launch a game on time.
  3. He answered several questions without a clear answer. I just want an answer to that exact question.
  4. @Jat please answer this question clearly. Will legacy crossark, such as crossark4, crossark5, etc... Get Ragnarok and future new maps added to them?
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