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Early Birds
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Everything posted by Blast75

  1. Ok I don't know if this is where I should post this, but I would like to suggest a mod for consideration into the program or should I say mod developer. I'm sure your aware of some of his work already but lately he/she has been on fire with some awesome mods. The developer named Impulse has made a currency mod that I'm sure your aware of. However, Impulse has been quite busy making some awesome mods. Like a Bounty mod. I suggested a idea for a way to get coins for implants a while back and apparently he came up with this whole bounty system and it is awesome. Now Impulse has a dino loot mod that looks great and a new bank mod too. You really need to check out what he is doing their. This person is on fire with some great mods and ideas. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198018631975/myworkshopfiles/?appid=346110
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