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Early Birds
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Everything posted by redsatyr

  1. I wish they had worded it in a way that made that more clear. Like, "having the ability to unlock these exclusive skins", instead of saying you get them when you buy it.
  2. What about the Manticore armor? The page that announced this didn't say anything about unlocking the skins (both dino and armor skins), it just said it "...adds extra PS4 content including a Bionic Giganotosaurus skin plus an entire Manticore armour set". And considering when you start playing you get safari hat skin or the parasaur saddle skin. While it doesn't say you get this set in the same manner, it doesn't say anything about them having to be unlocked. I might not have bought it on PS4 had I known that as I play primarily on PC and might not unlock any of that for MONTHS.
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