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Everything posted by RedSoul132

  1. Update looks great but I am greatly disappointed with the Lio. Wish it was going to be some awesome reef ambushing hunter instead of what we got in the form of a passive tame.
  2. RedSoul132

    Charlie Blanton

    The dinosaur is Dilophosaurus sinensis, or Sinosaur. It is like the king cobra or black mamba of the island, not big but still plenty powerful. It has several attacks: 1st: is the standard bite attack which will cause envenomation. 2nd : Roar, for aesthetic purposes. 3rd: Poison spit like the normal Dilo. 4th: A stealth attack where it will lunge at it’s attacker and if it is a large dino it will attach itself to it and smaller ones, including survivors, will be pinned to the ground. It can then proceed to bite whatever it is attached to or pinning down. It’s quills and venom can be extracted and used by the tribe it can also be ridden as well. Dilo image is from Ludia so give them credit for the Dino art and a big thanks to Wildcard for such a great game
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