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Early Birds
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Everything posted by TheSnowedOne

  1. Okay, this is better but seriously WC you need a test server cluster for these changes so everyone can test them out and we can get people on to help play with these new ideas like turrets etc. You can wipe it every test; put accelerated harvesting/levelling etc. and of course, people won't be able to transfer to/from as the entire lot is wiped once a particular testing phase is completed. The important thing though would be that you can get community feedback BEFORE you dump it on us on the live servers! Seriously; give this idea some consideration please! <3
  2. I was having hard enough of a time as a solo keeper for a small tribe (the only one playing atm) just trying to keep things going before this patch. But now on SE this is just retarded; I can't even get to half the bases with gear/food anymore without a serious amount of spare time. And forget wyvern egg farming or milking. It's so bad I've taken to using rexes/wolves to get around over the god damn wyverns we all spent so bloody long breeding just so we could actually get ready for bosses etc. Welp; this will now completely lock me out of anything but the bare essentials of keeping the existing dinos alive because everything I need to do is spread out over the map and it will take literally hours now to get that work done; time as a solo player with a job just can't invest. This pretty much ruins most of my play atm; the only saving grace is at least the equus seem to be on SE and we're having fun looking for them. Very very slowly looking for them...
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