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Early Birds
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Everything posted by Halla

  1. Why all of this for? People and the devs seem to forget that the game is scheduled to be released next month in December after it's summer release with no release date was already delayed and still we have no release date for next month. Not only that we still have no optimization for either the PC or Xbox versions. Hell, the Xbox version still needs major graphical upgrades to. It's miles behind the PC version. Please for those of us who purchased your game in order to support the development of it for the love of god optimize it already. We are going on two years now since the game was released in it's preview status which it still currently is in as we speak. What's the hold up? You guys are adding all these different things to the game that take away from the core developement of the game itself but won't optimize the game. It's backwards. Most if not all studios put out a game first and if there are any optimization issues or glitches that need to be worked out they fix them then come out with paid or free content. I really believe that by you guys providing all these free and paid content so early before the game even releases along with these events that you hold every month for a game that hasn't even been fully released yet is just smoke and mirrors for yet another delay because you refuse to work on the core game itself. It will hurt the games longevity in the long run. you'll only have yourselves to blame once the number of people actually playing your game drops significantly which is already starting to happen by the way, you'll see. I'm sure most people would agree that paid and free content is supposed to help a games popularity and longevity not kill it before it even releases . Good luck Wild Card. Hope you guys really know what your doing.
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