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Early Birds
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  1. So I have been building my PGARK today after experimenting with the different settings yesterday. I like my island quite much now. Most of the time went to adjust the exact position of the snow and redwood biomes. Some nice snow mountains in the north Open grasslands and thick jungle further inside the land Redwood placed between mountains and the jungle, this is not too thick to make tree structures possible. My settings if anyone is interested: Now a few tips I think work out: 1. Start with the basic layout of the island: Start with the default values and make small adjustments. Default maps look surprisingly good. Try random seeds with the same settings and look at different results. Get good balances of ocean/flat land/mountains before you start fine tuning the biomes. Higher water level means deeper ocean but less landmass. It's actually hard to have deep oceans, high mountains and still some flat land. 2. Fine tune each biome to your liking: Make grassland have fewer trees, make jungle thicker, redwood less thick, anything you want... Adjust the shore to have the beaches match your tastes. Set the snow biome and redwood biome at the preferred location. This might take really much time if you are picky like I am... Some important settings and what I know or think they do: Slopes: Mountain slope and shore slope have a big influence on the island. Increasing the mountain slope makes it mostly mountain like and you lose much flat land. Increasing the shore slope lowers the flat land more to the water level and you end up having flat land but cannot have deep ocean because else the whole island is under water. Shore trees and resources: The normal shore trees are these little palms on the beach. But for the snow biome there are not palms and the "snow shore trees" are these oil rocks. Because of this, I thought that the mountain trees might be the iron deposits, but I still have tons of iron on my mountains even though the density is low, so this might not be true. So much written down and there are still many things but this would take much too long so just play around and have fun yourself. I am very much enjoying this new feature and looking forward to see the swamp maybe the desert or even a volcano in the future version of PGARK.
  2. I did some testing myself and I'm quite sure that the deep water biomes depth is calculated down from the actual water level. So regarding to your chosen values, the deep water biome would start at -0.45 -0.7 = -1.15 which is lower than the ocean ground and thus you would have no deep water biome. To get the result you want, adjust the deep water biomes depth to -0.25 (-0.45 -0.25 = -0.7).
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