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  1. Question is in the title, thank you for all you are doing to get this show on the road. It is greatly appreciated and I'm happy to play on the Official-PvP servers and learns the ropes in the meantime. I have been playing on the Hardcore servers for quite sometime and really enjoy the danger it adds to the game, and the changes in tribal diplomacy when your lives are on the line. Thank you for your consideration, I hope you can make this a possibility in the future!
  2. So when it comes to Hardcore, I noticed that all servers are being wiped with the exception of server 90 and scrotched earth 774. Are the hardcore servers that are being wiped going to share a new cluster? I feel that if they are not going to be allocated to a new cluster that these few remaining servers should be wiped as well. It will put a huge advantage towards these few servers who are not being wiped.
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