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Everything posted by booned

  1. I started the day crafting walls around my base, so farming stone etc. Decided I wanted to tame a Trike so I could farm berries. I found a level 15 and knocked it out, placed spikes around it and filled it with berries. I needed mat's for a saddle and didnt want to run back to my base so whilst it was taming I started farming fibre. I then got bola'd and clubbed by a random. Robbed then killed. I respawned and crafted a trike saddle and a wooden club for myself to get my stuff back. When I returned, the trike was unharmed, but my attacker was nowhere to be seen so I stuck with the Trike which was close to being mine. I tamed the trike, went back to my base and left it there to go hunt for my stuff. I fount the guy who robbed me with his little wooden hut in the forest. The door was wide open and he was inside doing something so I killed him, his bed, took my stuff and robbed all his stuff. I went back to my base and sorted my inventory out. I went back out to farm some beaver dams and this happened http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/oMega BooN3d/video/29387187 I turned the game off.
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