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Early Birds
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Everything posted by FaeWraith113

  1. I am a week one player, on a day one server, and still play nearly every day. We are proud of our server where, like others, the top tribes have negotiated a peace and work together to keep our server a place where beginning tribes can flourish without being wiped as soon as they pose a potential threat. This change, I fear, will make a year's worth of work easily ruinable. If huge raiding tribes can descend on any server, establish an impregnable base within the first hour, and wipe all extant tribes, why bother to play at all? Yes, it is PvP and we have survived that environment for a year whilst building bases and defensive strategies that are based on threats from our server. How can any tribe, or even solo server, compete fairly with multi-server mega tribes who thrive on kicking down sandcastles and decapitating snowmen? Wildcard, you folks have created a truly unique game that will certainly go down in gaming history. Please monitor this transition closely. If your intent is to remove all stability from PvP servers and turn that half of the game into a bloody, never-ending free-for-all please communicate that openly. I don't want to waste another 1000 hours only to have my efforts ruined and heartbroken by vindictive griefers writ large.
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