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Early Birds
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  1. I myself have come here to state my thoughts on this topic. As a 16 Year old boy who has 1800+ Hours on ark, I do believe launching a DLC in EA was a horrible decision especially since you decided to not inform the community of your game about it prior to doing so, However instead of sitting in the dark letting us fester in the dark. Your logic behind launching this DLC is strong in my opinion, However with this DLC being out and with how much effort youve put into it as far as the communtiy has seen means, You should be pumping out more updates on a more consistent basis. Because the DLC youve realized essentially is a new game, Running alot of the same software and codes, But design wise it is practically a new game. Finishing this off here is a tip, Launching a DLC prior to 2 months after your game is done would probably be the end of your current community, Though youve made alot of money on this game already
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