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  1. Like the title says. There are already lots of bug reports about it. Win10/xbox have the ridiculous censorship where you cant type the word The, lol, or any myriad of 2 letter combinations or you are met with ***********. and if you manage to get a whole sentence in chat, but as a habit put lol in it, then your entire message is **************************************************** I can't search engrams as 95% of them have multiple 2 letter combinations that flags it for censorship. you can't search for things in storage, or in crafting benches for the same reason. you have to hope you can get at least 2-3 letters not censored within the name and then pick from the multitudes of things with those 2-3 letters in it to find what you need. It is ridiculous. Again, there are already a ton of bug reports on it. We have reached out to both Xbox and Microsoft and are told it is the developers who implemented the system, but when we ask and request it to be fixed over the last 6 months we get nothing. Give us a filter option or just remove it because it is too heavy handed.
  2. oh do you mean the copy paste reply they gave to almost every bug report? This one? We're currently looking into this issue, apologies for the inconvenience. They put that in most of the 1-2 day old bug reports about it. if you go from the last bug report page and count how many are about the game not working due to the update, you wont even get 4 pages before you lost count how many were all the same issue. They know where the issue is. It literally tells them the exact line of code in the exact file the error is occurring within the error reports. Is there any formal announcement about how they are aware of the issue and they are working on it with an ETA for when they hope to push a hotfix? ANY kind of PR about the issue? Any actual announcement? No. A Copy Paste reply is not what we are looking for. we give them feedback, but we get nothing in return. Not even a simple "Sorry everyone. An update pushed earlier this week has caused massive widespread crashes and some of you who are on Windows10, Xbox, and PC Game Pass are unable to load into The Island. We are doing our best to narrow down what is causing the fatal error, and we hope to have it fixed within X hours" But what do I know, right? And I guess everyone who has been having a terrible experience with this game since its launch must be happy to get a copy paste reply. Makes you wonder why ASE is still doing so well.
  3. the artifact that sits above the redwood forest extending across the river is a map/texture tear caused by their broken lines of code. even though the Error tells them what lines are throwing errors ( line 873 of D3D12Util.cpp for example which is a constant error that crops up since day 1) they do not publicly announce they are aware, do not publicly announce they are working on it, and do not publicly give an ETA for when it should be fixed. WC/SG is by far the worst and LAZIEST dev studio. Customer service is nonexistent and they do not CARE that win10/xbox can't play the island right now. Lots of people say "just play SE" but im paying for a terrible server experience already via Nitrado, where my steam friends can still play the game so why should i say "oops sorry since WC/SG doesnt seem to care about my experience, im gonna remove all of your progress and make everyone start over on SE" Naw fam that aint it. ignoring the overall problem doesnt make the issue go away.
  4. with pages of bug reports all saying the same thing concerning windows 10/xbox PC crashing all with the same errors making the game literally unplayable since yesterdays update, how long are we going to have to wait for any news about it, an announcement, or a hotfix?
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