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Posts posted by pendrag

  1. 25 minutes ago, Clarey said:

    Grumbles are relevant.

    Those announcements are pretty useless. Nobody on my server knows when it's beginning as none of us use twitter! It is an awful platform, just like Facebook and more people are moving away from social media.

    IMHO, they should update this website more frequently with important things like start times or before making said announcements, include all the relevant information in the first place!

    Agreed, the original announcement should have had the deployment times included in it.

    As for the platforms, there are many out there, and choosing which to use and which to avoid are both a personal and business decision. Businesses will want to be seen on as many public platforms as is available to them.

    Personal choice is just that, and I will not chase that rabbit. 😄

    My statement:

    43 minutes ago, pendrag said:

    Grumbles about the times are not needed

    Was focused solely on the times themselves and the flood of complaints that followed the Twitter post. As I am not employed by any gaming provider or developer, I too would like to experience instant gratification when new shiny things are to be available. And to quote a song from the past; "you can't always get what you want"

    • Thanks 1
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