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Early Birds
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Everything posted by Ajani

  1. So I have played your products combined for a large portion of the last 8 years. I really enjoy the playstyle, the diversity of things you can do on the ark day in and day out is what makes playing other games not as enjoyable. The problem I have is even though I've supported your company with numerous licenses bought on different platforms (console/pc), been a helpful player on official servers, and a continued supporter to all I talk to about the game, you continue to produce products that can't be played. I'm not talking bugs, or graphics glitches, I mean I can not play on your official servers because of your self imposed dino caps. I started playing day 3 on steam (had to upgrade my computer to your requirements), I then put 387 hours into playing on my first server 5246 official pve. The extra life event rolls around and everyone is enjoying the rates and game when....."Too many tamed creatures on the ark".....wait ...what!*!*!....ok think, so we culled tames all of the tribes on the server did (meaning sacraficed either time raising or taming) 1 hour later, same thing mind you we are at 58/250 tribe cap.... So my GF and I said its extra life we will take advantage of the rates and new servers opening and start again. this time we start on 5278 official, which dropped at 8pm est durring the event, so as fresh as we can get. We go over and get a base and everything set up again, I get another 300+ hours into this server, my gf is 170+, and the Thanksgiving event rolls around, were hatching our boss rexs out, when all the eggs stop cooking, I look and theres those dreaded words again.."Too many tamed creatures on the Ark..this time it was even faster, and we had even less tames because were experienced players so we dont tame low level or useless tames and i was saving cap for rex raisings. and to top that all off, we joined an old ASE tribe mate on 5153 and within a week they were tame capped as well. 1) Why set tame caps so low that literally every PVE server is on the verge? 2) Where TF are cryopods, it was stated 3 weeks durring extra life, then it was Dec 20th that was circled, that has come and gone, it was also noted that it might be in winter wonderland, but then Ced said we will have to check on actual cryo timing, and your twitter says this month (December). Meanwhile majority of your official player base is twiddling their thumbs or killing 5-6 tames to hatch/tame 1 so lets talk about sacraficed hours....Can we get an adult to answer at WC please....or i need 3 refunds
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