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Early Birds
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Everything posted by billyb2933

  1. Why isn't the console save issue on the priority list? It's not listed in the latest patch fixes? Wildcard hasn't even acknowledged this issue yet! We're all stuck with workarounds until this gets resolved. And who knows when those workarounds will stop working. We paid for a functional game. Not a half-ass game. Fix it.
  2. @StudioWildcard why the hell are you adding content like this when we can't even consistently save our progress in the game? Fix the damn game instead of doing all this stupid sh*t all the time like you did with survival evolved.
  3. You guys made us play a broken game for 8 years, and during that time all you did was paint the dinos stupid colors, add more dinos that didn't work right, and add more DLCs that had the same issues... Now you release this piece of garbage game, which is a refresh of the first game with updated graphics and the promise of a better game, yet, it still suffers from the same issues and new issues which are even more impactful than those seen in the first version. On top of that, you made those of us who already owned survival evolved pay for this game. Which is the SAME game. You guys fail to deliver on everything. I'm sure we'll have these issues with ark ascended for years to come, but we'll be seeing Dinosaurs in pretty pink with hearts on them for valentine's day, because that's more important than the 6hr of progress I made that wasn't saved. Figger it out.
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