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Early Birds
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Everything posted by TysonNess

  1. I hope studio wild card read this and understand that if they keep pushing back the game they are giving pc gamers more and more time to get ahead of console players and when the game does come out that by this rate they have 20 days of grinding. And when console servers come out with the events that are happening their lead will only grow and the chance of console ever having the ability to play on the same level as pc players gets smaller. So as I see it with the next 2 events coming you need to boost rates so high that console survivors have a chance at catching up because with the current growth that I am seeing of some tribes, we have no chance. There are tribes that have so many people they have already concurred servers. The worst part is that the mega tribes that have dedicated breeders who have been grinding day after day to get perfect points into there lines that I feel console will never have a chance against when server transfers open. studio wildcard I love your game but I hope you understand you are killing your console community.
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