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Early Birds
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  1. Hmm... this is a dog, so I can't say one of the good boys (or girls) is a liar. I have no counter argument.
  2. I have a reason to believe your overwatch friend may be lying, confused, or horribly misinformed. Granted that ASA does require a subscription to play online, that goes for nearly all pay-to-play games on XBox. It's just a legal measure to prevent people from saying they never mentioned needing a live sub. Not saying you stated this as the basis for your belief, just saying this as a general statement, or for any who may believe otherwise. First Reason: Rockefeller. The most major releases -that I know of- for 11-2023 for XB are: Persona 5 Tac., CoD: MW3 (2023), and The Walking Dead... and maybe The Smurfs(?); so the roster isn't that great. Certainly not much to justify buying a Game Pass/GPU subscription. Announcing ASA in advance would almost guarantee a few thousand subs, especially since the game would be xcloud compatible. While MS has enough reasons to full-send adding ASA to XBGP, SWC has no logical reason to put it on Game Pass. ARK: SE released in 2015, and was added to XBGP in 2018. By then, the vast majority of people that wanted the game had bought it, and adding it to XBGP gave them a small cut of the sub fee profit when someone played their games even if it's just a minute or two to test the waters. Their profits would CRATER if they released ASA on XBGP day 0 (like with MS titles) since a lot of people want to play the game. Next reason: Announcements[link] The game isn't listed on the Game Pass list. MS announced their November lineup, and ASA isn't on it. The link only goes up to Nov. 14, but if it's not releasing on XBGP in the first half of the month, it's probably not releasing on XBGP in the second half. I think ASA will be released on XBGP after the hype's died down, and Snail Games is noticing almost no monthly purchases. At that point, the small trickles of sheckles from XBGP would be greater than any profit gained from raw sales. Of course, I hope that I'm wrong AF, because I already have an active GPU sub, and I'd absolutely love to not have to buy ASA to play it.
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