Hey Ace, thanks for the follow and the Rep. Just a quick question: how do you get to the "personal information" section to show your gamertag? I'm on the android OS and I can't find it. Not sure if it matters what system I use or not.
Do us xbox supporters get the hat? Lol i'd like the three person saddles hope more dinosaurs get this like just to name a couple carno, rex, trike that sort big heavy dinos. Keep up the great wotk ark devs
I need some help in the past three weeks i have lost 4 lvl60+ guys and i wasnt on a server just me and my friends on a private game. (A couple of my friends also experiance this) and the buildings we place are still there and the rafts and dinos are there and tamed. Can somebody help please.
Hello, anyone have a estimated date the split-screen will be released? I'm a console gamer and I constantly have friends over and we wish we could play the game together. We had lost hope of playing this together but I stumbled across this forum and saw the split-screen article and hit the ceiling with excitement.
Here's a picture I took with my phone. It's me and my brother on our raft base with Terry the Pteranodon.