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  1. abilities: m1 bleed effect, m2 charged bite attack that builds more damage the longer it's held (with a pack of 4 max.) You gain 15% bonus damage reduction, speed, and attack boost. While holding shift, you can leap out of the water to gain a huge amount of distance. To be tamed, you would have to ride on its back for a certain amount of time. It'll eat out of your hot bar but will not gain taming effectiveness; it'll prevent it from eating you (they spawn in packs, so beware if you're solo). To breed, they'd act like your average dino on land; they just lay their eggs in the sand like modern-day sea turtles. That's all. Please vote for Dakosaurus if you find it cool for the center. ❤️😄
  2. sorry had to wait for post cooldown pvp preferably tyvm if you have any 😄
  3. imo i feel trop is good late game tho only on crystal isle; wyveron the other hand crystal wyvern has best utility damage easily lighting pve,pvp void wyrm
  4. that's a good take, and a nice perspective on the look made me think about it differently thank you for replying
  5. i myself am split thought the design would be more feather covered expected a more birdlike concept
  6. playing on xbox some good not to heavily boosted servers would be nice
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