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Early Birds
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Everything posted by Wildsoul26

  1. Dear Wildcard, We want to express our appreciation for the cryo-pods upon their release. However, we cannot help but feel disheartened by the lack of freedom provided to PVE players in terms of deploying dinos in any location. While we understand the reasoning behind this decision from a PVP player perspective, it has made gameplay significantly challenging for all players. The inability to deploy dinos out of cryos where we need them, especially during server transfers and boss fights, has created immense difficulties. We are hesitant to transfer servers due to the fear of spawning in a precarious situation with important items on us and loosing those items The current whistle follow command is not always effective when navigating obstacles and terrains when the dinos are following and 90% get stuck. This limitation has also posed significant challenges for small tribes like ours, and many others making it nearly impossible to effectively manage 20 dinos during boss fights and to go do a server transfer for trading items with other tribes and hinders the community. We urge you to consider allowing the deployment of dinos at any obelisk area, regardless of the player's proximity to a cryo fridge. This solution would not only enhance gameplay but also alleviate the issue of excessive small building spam around obelisk areas in which many tribes have had to resort doing to be able to do boss fights. We kindly request that you take our concerns into consideration and make the necessary adjustments to ensure a more enjoyable and balanced gameplay experience for all players. If any questions or comments are welcome, we love the game and want great success but the player database is dropping by the days. Sincerely, Wildsoul26
  2. How about more servers! You open it up to console players but only open 25 NA PVE Servers… not enough servers! I want to play but can't THEY ARE ALL FULL
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