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Early Birds
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  1. Were the buyers and players of these games so we have a say on how we feel we dont care who tf you think you are dude.
  2. Theyve already lost half of their community base when they mentioned cross play with steam
  3. So basically what you're saying is IF you release the crossplay for PC right away its gonna be okay for them to pillar off all the maps so console players have zero room for a bs game we had to but yet again? They've already been spreading it across twitter like wild fire talking about pillaring so Consoles have zero room. Oh newer servers will be dropped when it hits consoles ok great so by time our game downloads pc users will have already been over there doing whatever they want. Leave complete crossplay off ark its dumb. You just ruined the game for all of us whom have played it for 8 years! Lets buy a game we already have just so pc has first dibs on everything that is not smart. Let us ha e the game and situated before you bring PC over please. Otherwise youre going to piss off the while xbox community.
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