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Everything posted by NOaBILITY

  1. Yup... just tried again. I managed to get a hut built but I couldn't tame anything and died numerous time because of hunger or the random 50+ level monster chasing me until I ran out of stamina =[
  2. Thank you for the quick reply. I wasn't aware a torch could keep you warm (due to fires not warming you up) and unfortunately never made it to building a house. | =P | Never occurred to me that the night would be colder then day! With this new information I will try again and hopefully do better =]
  3. As a new player starting at lvl one I must say its nearly impossible to survive this game. Everywhere on the map is tundra so naturally its cold and because of this you use up your food faster. I have played for the last 6 hours and haven't made it past making a camp fire. I either immediately get killed by the Argentavis or die from starvation. I cannot produce clothing to keep me warm and fires don't warm you either. Is there something I can do so I'm not immediately dying of starvation with futile attempts to harvest berries or kill prey?
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