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Early Birds
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Everything posted by overdoneterror

  1. Can’t join server is all I get for every attempt at getting in the game. I spent the money on the game at launch and for 6 hours can’t play still. @Cedric any idea on how to get on a server?
  2. You must not understand what a beta release for a week is, that’s ok I’ll brake it down. They should have allowed pre orders, and only those who legitimately bought it gets a beta download to play the game early for a week(this gives them free testers to work out kinks) so instead of the wild card staff only finding issues you now have 5,000+ finding issues with real time data going back to the company. It allows companies to see shortfalls and coding errors with direct user input. And also never stated it should be free, it should be paid for. Hopefully that’s more clear for you. Happy arking.
  3. Trash, how much is Xbox lining those pockets. Should have just waited and released both at the same time. PS is getting crapped on just like snail is doing and has done to all the die hard fans of ark. If your company would have done an open beta with direct feed back it would have fixed so many of your issues. (Free game testers anyone) I’m done.
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