NoIf the intention is PVP on pvp servers, and if base defenses aren't going to get any stronger. Then I suggest adding some sort of offline raid protection, let people transfer from all servers but allow dinos only to transfer in server. The reason why these servers keep "dying off" is because once mega tribes and players realize they can't exploit their way to dominating servers they leave. The people that just want to play the game the way it's intended, just stop playing bc it takes literally weeks before wc responds to reports. By that time, the entire server is wiped and all the time you have invested is wasted.
I'm not sure what is being done about .ini abuse (so many people are still using it to see through ground clutter) (environmental effects are basically useless) aimboting, bodybags, attacking through structures, 90% offline raiding, sharing dinos between servers and rampant teaming on small tribes, selling dinos and items for real world money (300+ tamed dinos on servers for profit), putting foundations on mounts so your unable to be shot off, structures covering quetz so they don't take damage, undermeshing, and the list goes on.
Literally a 2min search of smalltribes on YouTube and you can find out who is doing it.
Banning steam accounts doesn't work... And game banning doesn't work either. They need to ban Mac addresses as well.
But these are app symptoms of s bigger problem. When there is an issue and you do report them wild card takes their sweet time. Why there are no moderators on these servers is beyond me. It seems like everything is being done with the exception of actually managing servers which would give wc time to focus on other things.
Anyways good job on updating and making changes but it's been three years.. not much has changed it's actually worse off now