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Early Birds
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  1. Mannahrrav, É uma criatura inspirada na lenda nórdica dos cães do sol e da lua. Assim como Managarmr, O Mannahrrav também traz a ideia de um lobo/dragão, seu principal diferencial está em suas asas e suas habilidades. Possuindo quatro pernas e duas asas mais afastadas, suas habilidades lembram rajadas solares com efeitos de lentidão e alto dano a corrompidos. criaturas. HABILIDADES Ele possui um salto carregado, que lhe permite usar o mesmo bust do Managarmer, utiliza um tiro carregado e um pulso de energia que pode ser usado para causar dano de área. Sua principal função na extinção será enfrentar criaturas corrompidas e Titãns. Ele pode se alimentar dos nódulos e ativar um buff de regeneração de vida e se tiver um Managarmer ao seu lado, ganha um buff chamado eclipse. Esta habilidade permite que ambos recebam metade do dano de criaturas corrompidas e causem o dobro do dano aos nós Titãs. Além de ser completamente imune aos ataques de fogo das Wyverns corrompidas. Com seu salto, ele pode se agarrar ao corpo de um titã e literalmente devorar os nódulos, fortalecendo seu frenesi e acumulando a cada nódulos que se alimentar e causando um ganho considerável de resistência. POR QUE ELE DEVE ENTRAR NA ARCA: Como já mostrado em Fjordur e Ragnarok, a Arca contém muitas influências sobre a mitologia nórdica, então se Hati está sendo representado por Managarmr, por que não colocar Skoll, acredito que será muito mais divertido e intrusivo usar ambos com funcionalidades únicas e complementares.
  2. Note: I don't speak the English language, so some things may be spelled incorrectly, as everything was translated from Google itself, Thank you for understanding. HAAST EAGLE DOSSIER: Of all the birds on the island, none surprised me more than this colossal raptor. The Haast eagle is undoubtedly the largest bird I have ever seen flying in the air on this island. As fast as a griffin and ranging in size from Quetzal-sized males to Wyvern-sized females, this eagle is the perfect mount for those survivors who like to mobile. Its powerful claws and its terrifying size make it possible to grab small and medium-sized creatures, with the exception of a few large animals,I have seen tribes use this eagle to lift huge creatures from the ground, such as mammoths and even Tyrannosaurus, the strength of its legs allows it to carry animals. Like its distant relatives, the fjordhowks, (a much smaller predator), it has very good peripheral vision, being able to identify with a "zoom"what is the level, life and gender of the creature, this makes it a lot easier when taming, this skill too, allows you to locate nearby explorer notes within a 1km radius of the animal (from all angles). Its head feathers ruffle and it begins to detect where the bill is. (The location is marked with a bird symbol) Another distant relative of this giant eagle, are the snowy owls, able to dive through the air like the same, He descends in free fall causing his speed to increase considerably.If this swoop hits a creature smaller than itself, its claws will dig into the creature and pin it to the ground until the end of its stamina. Thanks to its predator instinct, Haast's eagle is able to capture low-frequency sounds and notice more easily where its prey is, being their favorites: small mammals, reptiles, fish (depending on their variant). DOMESTIVATION: Taming a creature like this can be tricky depending on the survivor, if he prefers to steal the egg from a nest, the chances of a couple of eagles hunting you is proportionally great, but if you are accompanied by a predator(Fjordhowk, snowy owl) they barely noticed him. After collecting the egg, the survivor will have to follow a series of requirements until the chick matures, a food should be prepared for the puppy in order to keep him strong, since there will be no presence of parents.With a few specific meat joints, you can make a meatloaf that will not only feed you, it will also give you an affinity "boost" and make the hatchling grow with 25% more points in each attribute. If the survivor chooses to tame an adult eagle, you must follow the eagle until it approaches. Depending on its variant, it will ask for a specific food (meatloaf will serve as universal food in taming). After feeding it, the first flight will "set" its dignity to tame it, he will try to hunt specific prey, and you must find them, proving your loyalty to him.(Be aware that, you won't choose the eagle, it will choose you) AFTER DOMESTICATED: Once domesticated, the Haast Eagle plays several roles for its bearer, winged hunter, load carrier, domestication aid, among others… Because it contains a cell with a forge and two packs strapped tightly to the chest, Haast's eagle receives a 43% weight reduction from any item placed in its inventory.His cell is a factory with 450 cast metal bars, 1370 pieces of leather, 995 fibers, 172 wood logs and 100 kitchenettes/keratin.Once done, you will be able to enjoy one of the most imposing winged creatures in the skies. SKILLS: In addition to its diving in the air, holding it with its claws and its precise vision, Haast's eagle has a vocalization that scares its main competitor.(Argentavis) leaving them with the effect of Fear, and attracting some animals, their rapacious relatives, itself, arthropods and amphibians, in addition to causing a rage effect on larger animals. PASSIVE: Haast's eagle, though huge, has small wings in proportion to its body. And to adapt, it has developed a tail that is longer than its wings, which helps it maneuver in the air. doing quick spins and twirls, as well as being able to fly backwards and do something similar to the "Pteranodon spin" which allows him to fend off creatures too close to him. As you hunt, she gets faster and faster. When killing a creature, the eagle gains a stack of attack speed and reduced stamina consumption.Your accumulation is capped at 10 levels, upon reaching tenth, the eagle recovers 35% of its health every 2.5s. CUT EFFECT: If the knight descends from his cell, is captured by another creature, or the eagle goes too long without dealing damage, the stack will reset immediately.After resetting the accumulation timer, it will receive a 1-minute cooldown until used again. VARIANTS: Haast's Eagle loves to live in high places, but its location is not limited to mountains and redwood forest trees. The most common eagles are forest eagles, found in redwood forests, as mentioned above.The Mountain, Snowy Mountain, Coastal, and Cave variants are each found in their respective environment. The forest variant is found in the tallest trees in the redwood forest, perched on branches or flying over the mountains near the forest.When noticing the approach of humans, they vocalize and try to "scare away" the predators that are there, hunting any and all possible threats to the survivor. Its appearance resembles the current eagle known as the plumed hawk. The coastal variant appears flying over the beaches, or standing on top of rocks, they usually hunt fish and marine creatures, however, it is quite curious.When she sees a human being she chases him from above, hoping to be fed. Its appearance resembles the current Philippine eagle, with protruding feathers that even resemble hair. Coastal Variant: Philippine Eagle Reference. The mountain and snowy mountain variants are a little more territorial. If you get too close to a nest, it will attack you until you are at a safe distance.They are found on top of mountains, in crevices and chasms, or even flying over the lower areas of the mountain, although this is much rarer. The snowy variants have a camouflage aspect, so they usually appear in white. Mountain Variant: Brazilian Harpy Reference. Ps: I had made a concept art of the saddle, but I couldn't attach it.
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