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Early Birds
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Everything posted by GtubeYT919

  1. Saurophaganax This dino will be be based of yuty/allo it's larger than both but smaller than a rex This dino will have the ability of shredding any armor with it's strong jaws. It will also have a special reduction to bullets. It'll have a bleed attack with it's charge bite similiar to deinosuchus. It will also have a roar which can used to control nearby Allosaurs if any, Similar to yuty. Taming:- It can be tamed by knockout or passive tame. For knockout tame one have to shoot at it, the more damage it'll take the more torpor it'll gain, and once it knocked out u can feed it normally! For passive tame:- You have to feed it when it's attacking ur tame, but after first feed it'll start running away from u and ur tames. And every nearby dinos from dodos to titanosaur will start attacking it! You have to safe it from them in order to tame if u successfully save it u'll get a buff named Survival Bond which will work similarly to imprint buff after taming, After saving it u can feed it normally and it'll just wander around and will come back to u once it's hungry for it's another feed! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saurophaganax
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