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  1. well a lot people know me by now, the comments with ark and Nitrado and so on. I been a bit of a trouble maker. Honestly I trying real hard not to be. But honestly I told everyone how ark sold our save files for revenue awhile back to Nitrado to get the 4million contract loan, and since The October deadline was met for pc. Plus As I said console did not have to be leased by the end of October. I called that too. People are hoping for November for console. As everyone has been watching pc server fail and lots of bugs are being identified and being patched for pc. Consoles will get delayed longer. Why, every new patch or new version gets released it has to be a proved by all consoles companies. E.g Microsoft and Sony. I know this is bad new for us consoles. Plus the fact that multiplayer server are unstable and crashing. So it Seems Nitrado can not deliver their end of the contract. So Nitrado are having trouble with old ark servers and now new ark asc server too. Here is an E.g I been playing an old ark maps thats being run on Nitrado, I haven’t been able to login for 2weeks. 2nd e.g we’ll all you pc users are seeing the results right now with the server crashes, lags and maxed out servers. I know some people think I’m hard on both these companies. Yes I am still bitter that I never got my save files from old ark. But I have kind of moved on from this. Here my newest rant. Every new update wildcard releases Will delay the game for console For weeks and the way multiplayer server are running and how Nitrado can’t keep up their end of there contact. Doesn’t look good for us console users. Why doesn’t wildcard just release ark asc as a single player and disable multiplayer until they get handle on all the bug and server issues and make the game more stable. To be Honest I don’t really want anything to do with Nitrado because how they held my save files as hostage. I do not want them to have any of my characters in the future that they could in the future hold for ransom for revenue. I know this sounds terrible but I been saying this for months. Some have listened, some of you thought I was crazy. Everything I said was true or came true. Anyways back too new ark asc. Most of us console user would be perfectly happy with just have a single player version of the game. With out a multi player feature enabled. So what do you all think of my new rant. bluewizard_xb or bluewizardxb or bluewizard_1
  2. Lol see I called it. They only had to have the pc version out because of the Nitrado contract. To be honest I think it will be delayed longer because of bug issues. I do like the new land scapes and the water looks great. But If anyone notice how, if you really look close and compare all the Dino with old ark and new ark they all look the same. Plus beaver dams are a dead give away it from the old version. So what I am saying most of old are just been rendered or generated in unreal 5. So I almost bet. All the old bugs we all know in console version is all still there. Like I said one of the big scams in gaming history. Lol doesn’t mean I won’t play new ark. The new environment, shaders, light and water. Might just be worth playing anyway. I do like this game. But if wildcard just told truth about all of this I think people would be less hostile about it and more understanding. Instead of calling it new ark and all the other bull from the pass 1 year to 6 months. They could have just called it a dramatic or enhanced environment upgrade. A new upgrade. We all might have had a total and different reaction to all of this. Lies are lies. Telling the truth to your fan base and explaining why. Would have changed how things might have been. The reactions might have been completely positive. People are more understanding than you might think wildcard.
  3. As I said, the only reason I think this is happening is because 1 the game is dead close to the original, 2 the game has tons of old bugs and now new bugs they want to hide. 3 their not ready to release the game to all platforms. I Still say Pc will be the only ones that will see this game next week. Because of nat. Contact. This also means the games will most likely not be ready or run well. But we will see. They have been stalling. Hmmmm I still say this might be the biggest scam in gaming history to date. Honestly I love to be proven wrong. I would proudly endorse and promote this game if I am wrong.
  4. stall tactics, more and more stall tactics. I can almost bet. They are having issues with the game. This game version is going to be a hot mess lol. I bet they can’t get rid of the old bugs in the code. That would be embarrassing for them. Until I see different, I still say this will be one of the biggest scams in gaming history. I am truely hoping they prove me wrong. I just want to say. I do like ark. I still play it. But it not the same anymore. Especially after I lost all my characters and maps. I kind of lost interest in this game. It’s sad because, as a few people know me on here and in game I play over 535 days or 6 years. Wildcard has lot my trust in them. It truely feels like they are scamming and stalling now. I bet this is true for a lot of players now. People are right new Dino’s are great, but if their no game or a working game a bug free game. A small number of people care about this. We just want a bug free working game as promise. No scams, no tricks. Makes us fall in love with the game again.
  5. Some of you have heard my comments before. This unreal 5 update. I the biggest money scam in the gaming industry to date. We all know wild card has had money problems due to poor management and now we found out that millions of dollar when into a car company that failed. By the owner. The recent selling of game save files to Nitrado to receive the 4 million plus dollars. Is huge hit to players. But it is what is it is. I just hope if October comes around, and the game gets released. We don’t get the same game that was rerendered with most of the models or objects replaced. The code still the same with all the same old bugs. We all know which bugs that I’m taking about. Because if it’s all still there it would true be the biggest scam in gaming history. All this so they can get more money for same old game.
  6. So tell me your basicly saying it’s ok to sell off the saved files to a 3rd party because they created or developed the game. here the thing if we can create a single player file on any device. Why is it so hard to convert a multiplayer file to single player. Second do you work for wildcard, Nitrado or snail games. Or are you sponsored or indirectly earn a living eg. “youtube”. To make sure they receive a positive spin on the past few months actions. It kind of Seem your defending them a bit to much. It like you have something to lose. Everything to gain. I am Just saying. Lol
  7. People failed to see what wildcard has done. They are setting a precedent here! I haven’t read how long the server contact with Nitrado is for. We all know that wildcard got loans from Nitroda for millions of dollars. I did say this a year ago, how long can wildcard keep up server cost up with declining sales. We were heading for deaster. It’s just took a bit of time. Anyways. So wildcard have until the end of October to release a working Pc version of ark accended. This doesn’t mean consoles will see a released version of accended. I think they will be a bit of delay for consoles. September official server shutdown. Wildcard just can’t afford to keep ark evolved servers up and still try to release the unreal 5 update of the new ark accended. Which for wildcard this was the only choice they had to keep things going. No money. So the ark accended is only way to get money coming back in again. Which ark accended is basicly a remodel of ark evolution. So we may have new structures and a new look but, I think we can aspect all the same old bugs because am afraid the coding will be mainly the same. If you know about unreal engine you can take stuff from 4 to 5 very easily and re-render it. Using the new technology. Anyways. Here is the precedent wildcard just set with this exclusive server rights to nitrado and not making save files available without nitrado. They made save files to an asset. Give them the ability to sell save game files from official server to 3rd parties. What does this mean? This means after a short time after a games is released gaming companies can sell our gaming saved file to 3rd parties as and asset. Which wildcard has just done with Nitrado. So anyone with 6 plus months who care about they profile. Has to pay to play. Nitrado now hold your saved game file as hostage. Paying a monthly fee. This what Wildcard has done to get their loan. Here the thing, when the contact is up with Nitrado. Will wildcard make another deal with another server company or renew with more cash deals. Ark accended is not a full release. So will they sell our files at this moment again, when they release full version. Is our saved game files not are own, and now become assets to gaming companies. So many different way they can say they need to shut down servers to sell your files. As for gaming community and gamers if you don’t think this is true. Your being paid or even sponsor to say it’s not so. I feel now we all got scammed and are now being held for ransom. I personal will never play official servers again because of this 5years of playing and working on character. Plus being on several map. This saved game file thing has become a nightmare.
  8. Ok I just want to say one more thing. It terrifying how this is all going down right now. For Pc players and console players a like. For the next Version of ark “ark accended” we all hate how the server a being taken down and forced to pay for a server or nine. to continue our games. Here’s what WE can all do! We can not play the next version of ark or even not buy or play it. We can all NOT play on official servers anymore so this may not happen to us again. My opinion Wildcard is making poor business decision. Heres why! An most of you don’t want to hear this. For games to last and continue to have revenue. “Making money” . They need to have micro transactions. This keeps employees working. Pays for server cost. Pays for equipment. Keeps stock holders happy. Games are a business. Healthy business will make happy players. Keep server up and running and more money can get dumped into bug fixing. Like I said no one wants to hear this. You know I am right. If they do, do micro transactions please keep the cost low and affordable. Ark and wildcard needs to evolve to continue running.
  9. Wow I’m am really worried now reading these post. 5 years I been play ark on Xbox. I have 9 bases on different server. No way I can afford to pay for 9 different servers. If I have known how this was going to go down. I would have never started all these bases. On every new map. I played 387 days and 8 hours of ark. Now that I cant save my Xbox save game files. I don’t think I’ll never touch ark again. Just because of this. Paying for the game twice is a mistake on wildcard. Forcing us to pay a server company you owe mass money to because they bought server rights. Just To run our saved games. Is horrible. This why I think they loaned the money to wildcard to have soul right to server access. If players want to continue playing their years of work. They have pay the server company major amounts of money every month. It’s like holding Xbox players for ransom. I think if they don’t come up with a save file solution at the end of shutdown date. People should not pay or play the new ark accended or ark 2. This terrifying that they would do this to loyal player. If we all let them do this. What make you think this won’t happen again and again and again. When does it stop. The creator vote is just a distraction for what’s really going on. It just there to keep everyone interested. Note if we still see all the same errors in the next version. All they did was swap some in game models for new ones. They done this before Eg. mammoth. We all know now wildcard is hurting for money. Because of server cost. I did call this last year, by the way. Let’s hope they find solutions to these problems and Not go bankrupt. This message is recorded. It might get removed. Yes I did correct this message. I woke up. Started writing this. Lol mistake.
  10. I like that we will be able to save soon. But my one character belongs to 5 maps. I am a solo player. So does this mean I have to pick 1 map to save. My other 4 maps will not be saved. Be lost forever. Because that really really sucks. I have had these bases for years. Some 4 years or longer. Boooo on this…
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