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  1. Not even a UE5 poop comparison, i'm SMH'ing my head rn.
  2. So everyone was upset when the Carcharo was announced because it was "just another giga" and didn't want it in the game/ wanted it to be a giga tlc instead. But then you all see "Sky giga" proposed and it gets over half of all the points voted in the system. Gets another giga creature: complains gets another giga-creature submission right after that: ILL TAKE YOUR ENTIRE STOCK Y'all are something else.
  3. Will we be getting one last TLC for creatures this year? I would really like to see some renewed models of some of the older models and I think it would really help them stand out of the crowd of newer creatures. Awesome Charcharo model as welll!
  4. Rates are working fine on Xbox. resources, taming, xp are doubled, Breeding cooldown is halved, egg hatching speed is faster, creatures raise faster and get more imprint in that 8 hour time frame. Just a friendly bit of advice: don't rely on the imprint timer to know if the event is working, they change/mess it up every time an event is active.
  5. Nice Copy paste. Anyways that wasn't at all what I was trying to imply. I think the game before hand was dogs#$t and to a large extent still is with all the bugs and how unplayable lost Island is right now. All I was trying to state was that the Devs, although they hardly answer any of our pleas, have been (slightly) more generous with the events that they have been dropping out for us, including the x2 breeding weekends. I didn't even play when the game came out as it was so garbage, I only started playing before Extinction and at that point I barely played due to how bad It was. And lets not even start with how Atlas started out. So before you try to post something funny and copy paste it to post it again either because you thought that it would improve how well the joke is or just didn't see your post, maybe try to consider what the person is trying to imply.
  6. Alright, I can see now that The things I said could've been better stated towards the community, I was writing it at a time where I was sleep deprived and cranky so I apologize for everything I said( no excuse I know so I will delete my post since it was poorly writen in the first place). As for what you said, I can wholeheartedly agree on everything. Gaming companies are getting away with too much to even seem legal at this point, and this game feels as if its got an equal number of bugs to the number of its player base. Its everyone's right to state their opinion on how they feel about the current state of the game and I apologize for saying otherwise. When I was trying to refer to "being more grateful" it wasn't so that everyone should just shut their mouths and just comply with the ever worse-growing bugs, I was more so trying to say that they have been (slightly) more generous with the events that they give to us now than before hand, I was more so considering it that this is a grinding game, which takes thousands of hours to even get close to end game progress, I myself am at nearly 5000 hours and am only just getting close to beating the final three bosses of extinction, gen one and two, so to get any event was a godsent in consideration to what little they gave us back before Covid hit the world. And I understand its frustrating when they don't ever seem to listen to what we plead for in the game (once again agreeing with what you've said about the Devs basically taking advantage of us), I haven't voiced many of the things I feel would improve the game as I feel that not only other people have asked but also because I feel that they wouldn't implement it anyways. I fully understand the point where the person I replied to may have other things going on in their life that may inhibit the amount of time, I too will be preoccupied and will hardly be able to enjoy even a day of it, all I was trying to say (even though I said it poorly) was that they have been more generous in terms of the length of the events than before. Once Again I apologize to whomever I may have offended, but consider through this reply at least why I said what I said.
  7. I understand that It isn't a whole lot of time to get a lot done, Especially since I'm coming from Official, but you have to consider that they are being a lot more generous with these events way more than they used too. We used to get Valentines event for 3 days. 3 DAYS. along with that most other events like Christmas were all x2, Summer bash didn't exist till 2020, and the weekend events that had raising increase that we experienced throughout last year would have never in a million years been expected from all the years before. So I think you ought to be a little more grateful that they are even giving us events like this, especially when they have to read comments from ungrateful brats like you. Edit: alright so as I've implied this in a reply post to someone else, I wrote this at a time where I wasn't thinking clearly so go check out the reply I made to Onimusha759 to see what I properly think of the situation. So in consideration to that I apologize to both Joedeadpool along with anyone else I may have offended for my poorly written response)
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