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Everything posted by KarelBeranek

  1. Sorry for late reply. Read the article. There are instructions how to check the mods. In total five links to legacy.curseforge.com Does that help to clarify what web page I talked about? Wildcard provided those links here. If there is a safer way to install mods without the need to navigate through the cursefore web, then why did Wildcard still post links to the web?
  2. Wow! Four adds, some of them from the category "scam". Thanks to Wildcard I now know I can get abs in few days by doing one simple action every day. Just 30 seconds and I increase my metabolism by 450%. And that there is a simple method to lose weight but scientists don't want me to know how. I can learn it, all I have to do is to buy something. Enough irony. I know that Studio Wildcard can't be held responsible for the scam advertisement served by CurseForge. I just somehow expected that mods would be available in some more trustworthy way. At least the officially approved and whitelisted ones. Or at least negotiate some exceptions with CurseForge, e.g. that they would only show GoogleAds. Right now CurseForge also shows advertisement from other providers, e.g. Zemanta, who are not very keen of fighting scam and malware.
  3. The downside of the whole team working on bugs, exploits and new content is that nobody takes care of interpersonal issues. There are toxic people on many servers. Soliciting for personal information, offensive language, publishing other people's emails, hacking into their emails etc. I understand why they go after performance and bugs first. But it is often no fun to play on official server when you see the endless tapestry of spam, false accusations and personal attacks. I wonder whether the server transfers will make this better or worse. I really wish they would have implemented an ignore list for global chat by now.
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