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Early Birds
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Everything posted by Darkcarlo

  1. So u really plan on starting a new Classic season snail games ???? After how u cheated hacked meshed duped aimbotted , did EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to all tribes and just banned ur way through an entire season............... NO ONE WILL PLAY CLASSIC LOL... Tea u must be braindead to think u can start a new season after all the poop u just did previous season. And what about ASA ??? u said oktober but now u release a new classic season with 1 month to go? So that means ASA will be even more delayed... No one is gonna play vs Tea or Not Pistole. Admins cheating their way through an entire season banning all they cant beat while CLEARLY hacking all the time , duping aimbotting meshing esp ect u name it they got it. Everything snail games does is just wrong and not how u are soposed to treat a community
  2. No gen 1 or 2? yea i guess that why we pay for the expansion...... Awefull season of conquest inc
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