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Posts posted by SuperDooM

  1. I think this has to do with Shadow-Casting Lights, as opposed to Lights that shine right through walls and do not cast shadows.
    Shadow-Casting Lights are the ones affected by this limit, as well as render distance.
    Some lights are not affected in this way, but if I tell you which ones they are here, I'm afraid WC will break them so it stops working to include them in the performance patch.

  2. In ASA: I found that Elevator Platforms will stop moving when they come about 1/2 a wall height close to anything that touches it.
    They also get stuck on the Floor/Ceilings if there is layers clipped together. (Like if you put a Square Ceiling in the center of a 6-sided Triangle Hexagon Floor, and have the Track on one of the inside edges of the Square). But it only gets stuck AFTER you make it go up and all the way down one or two times. Only way to fix is to pick up the Elevator and Replace it, each time it happens. Which is basically every single time you use it.

    This is different from ASE in that ASE Elevators could clip right through floors and walls and any structure so that it never got stuck.

    I must say though that I like the new dimensions of the ASE Elevators, they fit with the rest of the structure metrics unlike ASE Elevators which were always too big or too small.

  3. Whoever has been picking the "Screenshots" for the CC lately has been doing a bit of a lame job I think.
    Songbird, Captain Fatdog, and myself all came together earlier this week and whipped up that giant Ship In a Bottle build, and posted it everywhere right on time for you guys to pick up on it. If this build isn't a prime example of a "community crunch" then I don't know what is. 
    Instead, we have two boring screenshots of a wyvern from a weird angle, and a starter character looking at the empty world. Sorry Amenci and LifeEra, your screenshots are intrinsically fine, I just think they're poor choices for Wildcard to include in the CC - given how hard some people work to build epic structures.
    I'm not upset that something I worked on didn't get included, I'm just disappointed that what HAS been included recently fails to show the potential of the builders in the general Ark community, and what this game can really do.
    Mustang's treehouse build is a good choice though! That's some fine work that deserves to be seen.

    If you want to keep including screenshots of the normal environment and dinos, maybe break the screenshots section down into 2 parts, one for "Notable Builds" for all the structures people make, and one for "Notable Screenshots" of all the dinos and environment pics. And include 3 image choices for each section.

    I'm sure there's plenty of content out there for you guys to find, there's even more fanart included every week than in-game screenshots.
    If you need some help finding images for the Community Crunch in the future, contact me with a job offer! I would love to be part of the WC team, I'm already a well connected member of the community.  :)

  4. 38 minutes ago, CosmicSkeleton said:

    Good stuff lad, but be honest, how hard does it brick your frames loading that behemoth into render?

    Honestly, I have to circle over the ship two or three times with my dino before it's done loading.
    But once its all in, things run pretty smooth. We keep the structure limits-per-area a bit lower than official servers and I haven't maxed out any areas yet.

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