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Everything posted by Snowh

  1. love the colorful art & great community crunch thank you wildcard 🧡
  2. Thank you! Wow i'm stupid lol I really thought it was on the list in one of the community crunches but guess i am wrong.
  3. anyway we can get the cat ears mod on official too? Vault//Storage display name mod still isn’t working on official i almost wish there was a dedicated report section for the mods so we can get this stuff fixed sooner
  4. Wildcard please fix the name vault / storage mod, it still doesn’t work on official even though it says its for official
  5. When trying to drag and drop the skins for naming vault, other storage boxes it is not working on xbox. Please fix and thank you
  6. skeleton suit and undead suit mod is bugged. 1st person you see normal arms instead of skeleton / undead ones
  7. Love the Love evolved art, amazing 2x but how about updates coming to consoles? fixing keybinds, FOV not saving, A fix from having to re-enter commands on command gui every crash, game close. Fix map and waypoints being off-centered A option to remove console command GUI commands that have been incorrectly typed and unable to remove them from list. Tree’s not loading properly, showing blurry and distorted, Base rendering not loading large bases faster as promised. rhynio crashes when flying and landing. Fix switching tabs in inventory because it makes sort preference reset Looking bald when you actually have full set of hair, reminds me of darktide ‘s hair visual bugs in the beginning when it launched. Terrible path finding for creatures on whistle follow. Because of the distance it often will walk backwards to go around things causing it to un render and stop moving forward. ( very annoying ) Have a bronto follow you and you’ll know what i mean. + in addition, Babies on whistle follow are a disaster following you unless you have following preset set to the lowest, this should be fixed. Babies walk in circles if a door way is blocked just by a tamed animal, it could still have room to fit through but doesn’t want to go through, Wild creatures easy to dodge, Going in circles or side by side motion can miss getting hit by raptor, or Piranha Fix dragon boss not landing, being invisible. so many tribes have lost full sets of boss dinos, ascendant flak gear that was a big farm to get crafted and was treated like if their hard work meant nothing. This is a bug that happened back on Valg a lot on ASE, and really hoped with the “better animal pathfinding” and such would eliminate issues like this Fix sensor chat in Xbox, cannot type lol, and many more things that don’t even make sense to be censored. As this game especially on official server , communication is needed for trades, working together on bosses and etc, unable to communicate properly with people without being fully censored even without any cuss words. this should be a priority. Chat bugs, when pressing enter with keyboard or even with controller, sometimes the chat will flicker and not let you type, causing you to have to restart your game… every time to fix it. The bug happens so often it is really a discouragement to play, because most the time i’m resetting keyboard keybinds and FOV, console commands than actually playing the game.. I have played many hours of ASA, and this doesn't even begin to come close to all its bugs and issues, but i have reported most all this on bug reports and not one of these issues have been fixed. Dollie has said they are working on other boss related problems but nothing else about all the rest.
  8. Please fix Keyboard Keybinds, FOV resetting each restart and crash on ASA xbox series s. Even when you press save it doesn’t save. I have reported it on your discord, Ark bugs and its still not fixed.. weeks later!!!
  9. please fix keybindings on xbox resetting each restart / crash. thank you
  10. you do realize that there are people who play PVE and are on many many servers, with big bases how would this affect them? Doesn't sound like there is much consideration for the people who have spent hours playing your official PVE servers once again.
  11. disgusting that even you also reported crash reports and nothing was done about it! just goes to show you how useless the report system is. With them profiting off someone's mod idea/creation is pretty disgusting in of itself, not to mention mod is option on Ark Survival evolved, and I legit cannot even stand it. For how long it takes to join a modded server every time even with a decent system is ridiculous. Mods take forever to download and constant glitch out / stop downloading and have to retry joining the server sometimes even over an hour just trying to log into a mod server. The fact that we paid for that feature and never once was improved or fixed.
  12. I still remember reporting outage reports for gen 2 crashing / roll back, constantly happening for hours on official servers, even when the genesis pass first came out! Even though I submitted over 5000+ every day. every time that it went off multiple times during the day. Max over 2 days offline with average 5-16 hours offline daily due to crashing. Having to re-do things over and over again, each server crashed it would rollback 30+min in the beginning years on gen 2 pve official, crashing 7+ times a day, really makes it impossible to do anything on their official gen 2 servers. for 4 years..... I was apart of their discord and received every notification when there was a crunch or update, I swear I have seen hundreds of "fixed a crash", and every time hoping that it was for genesis 2 crashing and never once was! Genesis is a PAID 29.99, currently on sale 14.99 which honestly a slap in the face, and should have been refunded due to how poorly it was made without any support or updates fixing critical bugs and glitches. Have waited so long for much needed crash + bug fixes for ark genesis and main game / other DLCS, The fact that you guys are so greedy to continue try and charge us is disgusting. This is much needed upgrade that is necessity for smooth ark game play. That paying customers have been WAITING FOR !!!!! No one is going to make me or anyone feel like somehow we are some spoiled brat for asking for the bare minimum, not to mention being told we were going to get it for free which only excited players, has us thinking highly of your company, just for you to go back on your word and charge us for something that was promised free. From a company stand point, I understand you guy's need money, but you guys could have easily come out with an amazing ASA product, giving it out for free like promised, once we see the hard work and are excited from clean feel and bug fixed product, introduce custom made DLC's that we would all be willing to pay for.
  13. only thing acceptable is a FREE upgrade that fixes bugs and exploits that is much needed for ark survival. I uninstalled ark march 31st the same day an announcement came saying we would have to pay for upgrade that was going to be a complete free upgrade
  14. not even worth giving them your time, they obviously only care about money
  15. It's stupid would even send this out, because they need to say it to us, I have no clue who this website is, and there is so many advertisements on this site who knows if it is even reputable. Are you saying confirmed because staff told you it's true? or are you just reading the website and coming to this conclusion?
  16. There are probably people who would pay for it, but that sure isn't me, or majority of who have already purchased this base game and all dlcs, which is still a large group of players. For a money hungry company you would think every customer matters. also... How is any new customer going to believe a company who lies straight to their customers and don't acknowledge it. Guess wildcard will find out by their sales, guarantee treating loyal customers this way isn't going to get them far.
  17. 917 Comments on Facebook 1859 Comments on Twitter 545 Comments on their Website 839 Comments on steam, 551 Comments on Youtuber Jade PG (video) 865 Comments on Youtuber Nooblets (video) 222 Comments on Youtuber IGN (video) 1289 Comments on Youtuber Raasclark (video) 1310 Comments on Youtuber Kira (video) + more 5% positive, 95% negative aprox and still nothing from wild card? smh....
  18. At first, I wasn't going to be commenting but after hours of anger being built up, you have it coming to you. I have played ARK SURVIVAL Since it first was released in BETA STAGES IN 2015. Use to love this game, played non stop even though my computer was not able to handle it, after 60 hours My PC fried and was not able to play again. In 2019 when pandemic happened I was able to get a PC and play, and Purchased all the DLC's that were available, when GEN 2 Came out I purchased GEN 2, excited with how many features and promised dinos. Since the purchase of GEN 2, There has been NON - STOP CRASHING + BUGS. Sometimes over 15 crashes a day, sometimes worse. Loosing full inventories of items, Stryders, Many Skiffs, and more plus not to mention taming and building taking forever.. When server crashes it rolled back sometimes 30 minutes back in the early days and now only 15 minutes. Each time would have to redo things we have already done taking away our time. Although reporting this to their discord, their own report area and on outages, we have not had a fix to this problem. I don't know how anyone would expect us to repay for Genesis Pass for a 2nd time for much needed bug fixes which should have been made sense its first week of release. Official servers being offline for more than 1 day, this year had a server down for 2 days even though reported it multiple times. This doesn't include over 15+ a day it crashes with the 1 hour+ downtime each time it crashes. - Everyone on the server originally thought maybe some fixing had been done, and ultimately it had not. The performance and crashing was worse than before. Since the beginning it has been a product we want to play but cant even enjoy without performance issue and crashing. Even though still had hoped and reported it to Outages, so many outage reports!!! could easily reach over 5,000 reports over the span that GEN 2 Has been released. I have contacted their Discord, Support I contacted them multiple times to get this fixed, and all you are told is "continue to report on outage report" With not even being able to enjoy fully the amount of time gen 2 has been released on official servers. We paid money for something that thought would be amazing and was terrible, full of bugs, crashing with no support and felt very shady. Regardless, have been playing this game Since 2015 and continued to have HOPE and wish that Wild Card would have value for their customers who paid money for their game -> but they do not care, at least that is how they make us feel after paying for a half a$$ project, and not doing anything to fix it. It's truly a Slap in the face, after almost 7,000 hours of supporting this Game, encouraging others to buy DLCS, buy your game & experience your services only to be stepped on and asked to pay more money. We are obligated to this free upgrade, as Jeremy promised on twitter months before the announcement was made, and yes you did say in announcement "things changed".. Easily could have managed money from ARK 1 SALES & DLC's BACK INTO THE BROKEN DLC'S AND GAME. Instead you have taken our money given us a HALF-A$$ Project Invested the money into ARK 2, and or other things, not to mention trying to convince us to REPAY FOR BASE GAME + DLC's. (which includes much needed updates and bug fixes that is needed and has been for a long time) Completely unreasonable and as a company who claims to care about their customers shame on you. I will not be supporting Wild-Card Games, including ARK 1, ARK 2, or any other games produced or manufactured by WILD CARD. 😠 Will not recommend anyone purchasing their future games if this is how they plan to treat us. Remember if they did this with a game that has a huge community who are passionately expressing their opinions and be told we are to ungrateful or ignore us for asking for the bare minimum. They will easily do it again With ARK ASCENDED and ARK 2 + any other games they may create. Uninstalling Ark was a choice I made after feeling scammed by this Road Map which had me very excited and was looking forward to learning more about and was left feeling disappointed and uneasy. It is truly sad losing all my hard work, but what is more unacceptable is charging us for product we already own.
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