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Everything posted by Mike585x

  1. Few bucks? Some people have it as a full time job. Making thousands from breaking the TOS at that. Is it their (WC) fault for not enforcing it? Absolutely. But I won't sit here and condone it. It's not allowed on ANY game (other than ones that work with it). I don't see why WC shouldn't be able to dip their hands into the profits, (if they aren't secretly already heh). So what's the big deal? Well, for starters, we obviously know that "financially irresponsible company" definitely needs the money, especially to actually work on this game you are here fighting for. You probably would have more maps by now and fixes. Look at them trying to profit on other people's work (mods). They literally screwed over ASE Official and old gen players because of $ issues to keep servers running. Now we have to deal with Nitrado monopolization over $200 per month to keep our progress. Everyone on my Official server(s) agreed and would have GLADLY started giving them even a monthly subscription to keep playing on our ASE server, but alas. So yeah, why the heck would I care if they had micro-transactions lol. Other players selling stuff is already basically the same thing, but at least this method could be regulated. Like making illegal substances legal finally.
  2. I didn't say end, I said decimate. Basically if WC utterly lowballs them all, they'd be pretty upset, and I'd laugh hysterically. WC should be the ones getting all of that money anyway.
  3. I support the micro-transaction idea just for the sole reason of decimating the disgusting multi-million dollar RWT/RMT black market. If they sold a bunch of resources in-game, that really hurts no one. People who play 24/7 wouldn't need to buy it regardless, and people that don't play 24/7 would have the option (that's right, option, you don't have to buy anything) to "keep up" if they can't play that much. Really shows how deep the RMT rabbit hole has gone with those that are against it. Even if it was a system like Gen2 it still *helps* to get rid of RMT.
  4. To be fair, I wouldn't see it much worse than it is now. Real World Trading took over this game long ago, and people seem to (stupidly) offer more money than things could hypothetically even be worth (if simply sold by the company itself). I'm actually surprised they never tried to dip their hands into the astronomical amounts of profits. But no one wants to have that conversation.
  5. That's not how it works, all patches on every game that is multi-platform has to get permission/certification from the corporations if they want that patch on those systems. It's like passing an inspection that makes sure it's "safe" for their platforms (has no chance to compromise it and/or basic stability testing). Every game out there that wants each platform to have the same version (and not different) goes through this. This is why most games take extra days/weeks/months after PC to release the same patch on consoles. So in this case, the holdup is directly on Sony/Microsoft taking forever to approve the game changes. I know you're being facetious, but naturally that's not how it works either 😛 Ever since UE4, the game can be directly upgraded to newer Unreal Engine versions henceforth. They just decided to monetize it, but I totally get the joke (at least I hope it was a joke) or any worries some might have from this lol.
  6. See above. They have a completely different team working on The Center. And trust me, there is a LOT of people looking forward to the map.
  7. Exactly. Also, they have a completely different team working on The Center.
  8. You're just realizing this now? Many of us figured that out before it even released.. Heck even when it was even announced, and they screwed over a large portion of the playerbase...
  9. Naw, I didn't notice. I barely play anymore, I just run the cluster. However, it doesn't seem like that major of an "update" to really count or be worried about. For all we know, the skins were already coded into the game (same time as the others), and ready to be unlocked/implemented upon release of the animated series. That seems more of a plausible theory.
  10. Heck, "woke" isn't even supposed to be an insult or used as such. It's very sad to see that it is nowadays, as it's simply supposed to refer to those who have opened their eyes to reality and can see the truth. Edit: I guess those opposed just prefer to live in the "ignorance is bliss" era. ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  11. Don't condone predatory practices lol, you know they screwed a lot of ppl over and ransomed their progress in what was supposed to be merely a "free upgrade" to the current version 😜
  12. The community was pushed into a corner 9 months ago where you been? Edit: Actually, pushed off of a cliff. My bad.
  13. When were they ever good in the communication department? This is nothing new... Definitely not the lowest, either.
  14. I would be afraid of people seeing me in a default skin. Hate mods.
  15. Yeah that's the game I was referring to in my original message when I mentioned "FriendLand"
  16. I wasn't referring to everyone, just saying many of us gamers. Our imagination can create the "perfect game" in our heads, but none of them (not even Ark) come close to what we really want. We can dream it, but are not capable of making it a reality. Obviously WC doesn't, that's why we were talking about making a whole new game with better vision lol Not sure if this is a lost in language translation thing or not, since you are clearly using some kind of translator to read my message and quote it.
  17. Not sure what that has to do with my post about being able to create a better game in our minds 😛 But yeah, I already know all about the poo-show Ark has become. I run a cluster of 10 ASE Official Save servers. Quite many of us refuse to take part in the blatant money grabs and horrific nightmare fiasco that comprises "ASA". We also can't forget how most of the "new features" are just things they literally promised to add to ASE down the road, but didn't. Instead decided to screw us all over and hold our progress for ransom. All for "new", where nothing is really new at all, that we never even asked for. ASA was (at first) supposed to be just a free direct upgrade from UE4 to UE5 for ASE, after all.
  18. Hey I know a game like that, that just came out recently, and uses UE5 (it's name being similar to "FriendLand")! Jokes aside, a version of that same mentioned game would be so much cooler with realistic graphics like Ark. The biggest issue with most of us gamers is the huge imagination, we know what kind of game we want, but no way to create it like other types of art. For example, I still feel like (this was an idea I had many many years ago) if GTA V turned every citizen into zombies and made it about survival, that would be a dang near perfect game. Sadly, none of the directions any game (even Ark), has ever been close to my "vision" of the potential games have or could have. We can all write a script, but getting it produced is the hardest part. I'd say write down your entire idea somewhere, let the ideas flow, and then perhaps try and find some people with developing skills and work with them to create something beautiful. Don't forget to patent it (or w.e you gotta do) first lol. Oh, and when it's successful- Don't let these dumdum companies win when they get jealous, and try to reach for handouts claiming you "plagiarized" them, because they didn't think of (or create) the idea first. Like one major gaming company tried to do with "FriendLand". Heh.
  19. I know, I kinda hinted that without saying lol It's very sad, and one reason I still don't play ASA
  20. What's with this major obsession for mods? I get it, people love them and they perhaps give you less work to do on the game yourself... But the direction of the game and marketing seems to be relying on them A LOT. I've personally never been a fan of mods, that's why I choose to play on console in the first place. Having to rely on them for everything is bogus and largely time/space consuming. Plus to me it always feels like cheating when I use them (unless they are Officially released or are considered Official by the devs themselves, much like Fallout 4 did). Are you still gonna make Official additions for the game itself that don't rely on mods? Like in the last Community Crunch for example, I asked if you are going to release Tek Greenhouse Walls that can function the same way (as the mod you previewed with transparency on/off and one-way usage option) for the folks who still like to play and enjoy the game vanilla-only? Please consider this, thank you!
  21. Are you gonna make some Tek Greenhouse Walls that can function the same way (transparency on/off and one-way) for the folks who still like to play vanilla-only? I've personally never been a fan of mods, that's why I choose to play on console in the first place. Having to rely on them for everything is bogus and largely time/space consuming.
  22. And some people questioned me (even on this very forum) when I have previously stated: That was exactly what they hoped for. And it worked (marketing off of impatience especially from taking ASE away), very sad to say. Edit: as for your follow-up saying it's a cash grab- yup, exactly. Thus while I still choose to remain on ASE (even though ASA was gifted to me for free!)
  23. First of all, why and how are you actually acting surprised? Second of all, you wrote: "What is the point of buying a game that you can't even play?". Well, why did you even buy it in the first place, after months and months of blatant warnings from majority of the community? Third of all, "I want to stop crapping on the game and WC but at this point? I'm very tempted to get a refund." Welcome to the party, a bit late though lol. Tons and tons of players beat you to the punch long ago, and even since have never stopped crapping on it either (did you think they did it for their health?). Soo many of the ones who were indeed "suckered" (sorry to say) have actually in fact did indeed get a refund. Quite easily, actually. Lastly, you are here begging for the same things to happen, that people have been begging from them for literal YEARS. Smh. Especially "fix the game please". Lol. All they did was try to "bury" the old brokenness by releasing a shiny "new" version with the same bugs (plus a lot more) to "replace" it. Not trying to be a Negative Nancy, but you got a lot of waiting ahead of you my friend. Don't hold your breath.
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