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Everything posted by ladymarina

  1. WC or SG what are you going to do about the broken game your trying to leave us Xbox one/ PS4 players with. As I have stated before. I don't care about ASA game play yet what are you going to do ABOUT to ArkSe being buggy. Cutting off why gameplay. Servers not working right etc. Why is another company saying Ark 2 wont be til 2025? Why is a game we already have going to cost so much. When it should be priced cheaper. Stop stale mating and give us facts
  2. If they even have to the servers ready I don't believe they will. At have the servers ready.
  3. Yes Sadly.. They are some people on here who are very unfriendly on here. If you speak your mind. Assuming what you mean etc...... I understand he you whole heartedly. I have spoken to, have been unofficial servers that had to close because they couldn't afford it 😔.
  4. You too no worries. And no I don't know your situation. Ark and a game called Durango Wildland helped me through the death of my mother. So I completely understand. It helps with ups and downs. You too have a great time.
  5. Um ok so I guess your using a translator? Ok mbut those struggles and hurdles. Are a part of life and ok you don't have to watch the videos but he is letting people know what's going on. You can be happy for it. At one point I was too. But they can't do this to us loyal players. If they do this other game companies will follow suit. We will have to pay out of pocket for just everything. They can't just leave the game the way it is go glitchy game. It's not fair.
  6. No you should never settle. If you know or see something wrong speak up. Don't ever settle. Please watch the Videos I have added to my posts then you will understand. We can't let them do this. It's going to be catastrophic. I'm not trying to cause trouble 😔 it's just the truth.
  7. Actually WC vaguely said what they will do. Well there was pvp. I went through that as well on pve. But there was nice people who showed me areas that were free. WC can do whatever they want. But that doesn't mean I won't speak up. Never ever had that problem in official. Since I started. like stated before I refuse to just be left with a glitchy broken game.
  8. This is what I was talking about. Ok great they want to upgrade no problem. Even though I don't think we need it should be just Ark 2. It's there way of.making money.... How can they confirm or keep the players who play Ark Se from Not being concerned about this. The glitches and bugs in ArkSe has not been fixed. As I said before it seem like they are just going to leave the game the way it is which will suck. 😔
  9. Understandable joe. But but from 2017 to 2019 I tried unofficial servers.😞 I just got fed up and went to official never had to deal with a hacker since.
  10. Uh actually there is not. So we are just supposed to loose everything and be left with a glitchy broken game. No I don't think so. That's just down dirty to do to your players. I'm sorry I've been on many a unofficial server where that has happened. Since I've been playing 2017. Unofficial servers have no protection as the official servers do. I've witnessed it. That's what made me go to official servers. The admin was never around and it was just left unmonitored. No I do not want to play on my own. It's not fair how there is no real compassion coming WC or Snail games.
  11. Uh what solution? Hmm I seeyo have what your beliefs are in WC. But WC is no longer WC they were bought by SG. Also *cough* only saw that on unofficial servers * cough* not Pve. Hacker got through the servers t hat were unmonitored. That's another reason unofficial is a bad idea. You are entitled to your opinion. But what happens if it isn't lived up to what your standards are. Well Ill still be against it.
  12. But thats what I mean. We don't need a update of the old game. move forward. Ark 2 is coming out. No one knows what it's going to be because they haven't showed much at all. It's like Over Watch they made game 1 free and 2 is free for a limited time. If you didn't have the game then you would have to pay full price. They transferred over all the credentials to the new game. It should be a dlc or something along those lines. In reality they saw what last of us did and wanted to do that. Thinking it would be ok. ASE has bugs etc they never even fixed yet. I mean I'm not against a remastered edition but don't want to pay a price for a new game either. But still I payed 80 +dollars that is way more than the last of us ever was. I'm not talking about being cheap I as a ark player. I dont see that the need for a new rehashed game . The last of us isn't a game that is buggy beyond getgo too. Because of past things that have happened with them I'm very worried. It's not right.
  13. Yes I agree you Joe I'm very sorry. I'm trying to protest 🙏😆.
  14. Ok well you have a good night I agree with you on that we sure do have different opinions.
  15. No I am completely right. I'm not saying they can't. They can do what they want. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna sit by and no be heard. We don't need ASA really. Think they could as this as dlc to ark2. But it's not right to advertise one thing and do another. For example in Walmart you pick up a bottle of soda it says on the shelf it's 1.29 but on the conveyor belt it rings up 3.00. You know your going to go back and get that sign and get your soda for 1.29. thats what other game companies and YouTube etc are talking about getting ripped off. It just doesn't add up.
  16. No but when you want to the boss battles you will need more than three people. I'm not generalizing at all. I'm going of of experience. All the unofficial servers I were on until 2019 left because they couldn't afford it. 🙄
  17. Come on dude are you serious right now? First of we are not entitled, we are not whining, we are not bullying either. Open your eyes we don't need this any of it. It can come with ark 2. We shouldn't have to pay because Snail games is broke. It's not even wild card anymore sad but true. Sounds sad you would say that about people less fortunate than yourself. SMH😔
  18. Ok that's your opinion. I was at first until I found out what they were going to do. And factually no one is going to come together and pay for a server where nothing is going to happen. Oh and I do recall they said the people on the official servers were a minority which sucked too.
  19. Um it's the total disregard to the original servers situation. No so sorry.they had over a couple of millions more.like 10+. Bullying 🙄 so now people can't voice themselves or protest? Other games and YouTube are talking.about what they are doing. Because it's not right what there doing. As I said before I was ready for ark 2. Why do we need an new game with new servers when Ark 2 is supposed to come out soon. And it's not really Wildcard anymore it's snail games now. Who have no money. There game projects in the past failed. So it's not wild card anymore. The game will be dead. Why do we need a upgraded old game we should just move on to.ark it's not necessary for all this. That's my point. I will protest my opinions all the time. Oh And about the breathing down your neck thing. You put yourself in that situation. You knew what you were getting yourself into. It's not a lie it's facts. We really don't need it.
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