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Everything posted by pleinx

  1. @MirageUK could you maybe add the playerIds to the tribes export? Current Format: { "tribeid": 1676387387, "tribe": "FooTribeName", "players": 3, "tames": 33, "structures": 88, "active": "2021-05-27T16:48:36.6442884Z" }, Idk which format you prefer, here same examples // simple array { "tribeid": 1676387387, "tribe": "FooTribeName", "players": 3, "tames": 33, "structures": 88, "playerIds": [1234, 5678, 91011] "active": "2021-05-27T16:48:36.6442884Z" }, // Or as string with separator { "tribeid": 1676387387, "tribe": "FooTribeName", "players": 3, "tames": 33, "structures": 88, "playerIds": "1234,5678,91011" "active": "2021-05-27T16:48:36.6442884Z" }, // Or full information as list of object { "tribeid": 1676387387, "tribe": "FooTribeName", "players": 3, "tames": 33, "structures": 88, "members": [ { "playerid": 1234, "steamid: "1111111" }, { "playerid": 5678, "steamid: "2222222" }, { "playerid": 91011, "steamid: "3333333" }, ] "active": "2021-05-27T16:48:36.6442884Z" }, // would you like That would be awesome!
  2. Our Community reports no missing tamed dino, maybe a bug in your script? Did you checked the JSON/Tool?
  3. Damn, nice and workz. I just read this here, maybe you can edit and this for other peoples THX
  4. Feature-Request for export via CMD Current Commands: .\ARKSaveViewer.exe players "C:\temp\players.json" "C:\temp\Viking_P\Viking_P.ark" .\ARKSaveViewer.exe tamed "C:\temp\tamed.json" "C:\temp\Viking_P\Viking_P.ark" .\ARKSaveViewer.exe structures "C:\temp\tribes.json" "C:\Viking_P\Viking_P.ark" .\ARKSaveViewer.exe tribes "C:\temp\tribes.json" "C:\temp\Viking_P\Viking_P.ark" Can we combine this export rules to one to save execution time? For bigger savegames (about 350MB) it takes up to 20minutes on NVMe. Is possible that you add this? .\ARKSaveViewer.exe players,tamed,structures,tribes "C:\temp\*.json" "C:\temp\Viking_P\Viking_P.ark" Which create JSON-Files like exportKey (players|tamed|structures|tribes) C:\temp\players.json C:\temp\tamed.json C:\temp\structures.json C:\temp\tribes.json This should save a lot of time, because only one parsing time for savegame itself and the exports going really quick. That would be very cool! 🙂 EDIT: If its easier / faster for you to implement this feature, make a "export all" function. I really dont need wild.json but wouldn't be a drama because, like already said, the export time itself is really quick, just the parsing takes long time.
  5. Thanks! Yeah, i thought so. But keep this format Means make all that data exportable via cmd. Thats cool! You can btw. add the steamID to every tab / export.
  6. @MirageUK i test it now and it seems not being working for the command-line export 😕 I see the steamID while im exporting via GUI but not via cmd: { "playerid": 1234567, "steam": "FooBar", "name": "pleinx", "tribeid": 12345678910, "tribe": "FooBar", "sex": 0, "lvl": 103, "lat": 16.59224, "lon": 3.77611542, "hp": 30, "stam": 12, "melee": 2, "weight": 22, "speed": 9, "food": 5, "water": 3, "oxy": 0, "craft": 8, "fort": 11, "active": "2021-05-13T21:33:56Z", "ccc": "-330038,5 -238531,4 3888,095" }, My CMD .\ARKSaveViewer.exe players "C:\temp\players_output.json" "C:\temp\Ragnarok\Ragnarok.ark" I tried with "ArkViewer2021-4"
  7. I will check this at the weekend, thanks! Btw. thanks for your great & fast support and that you still motivated to continue work on this tool, its great! If the performance will be increased its just a nice2have.
  8. Greetz @MirageUK Can you please add the SteamID to the players option? 🙂
  9. Awesome! Many thanks for the fast implementation. Will little bit play with it the next days. jfyi for the others: currently he takes the savegame (*.ark) which was recently defined via the GUI
  10. Maybe you can add me on discord? Sorry i still cant write you PN. My Discord Name: pleinx#9723
  11. Greetz! Sorry i cant send you private message (dont know why). Are you owner of this server? Is it possible to little bit exchange about server performance with this size of savegame? Maybe you can try to write me PN with contact data? just if its fine for your.. sorry for OT...
  12. @MirageUK thanks for your fast reply! ? mutation column works API/Command Line to export json files: And for me i have the same issue like @Larkfields. I already know the export function but need these files (tamed dinos, player structures, players) as json for my script. Another idea/feature request: can you add a column for players corpse and their maybe lost items (in bag) location? The Bag should contain the player id. That would be awesome! Last but not least: i tried to export tamed dinos data of a tribe and it exports weird dinos which the tribe doesnt has. Its a really nice tool and makes the life as admin much easier! thanks for that
  13. Sure. But all Tabs should be exported into the JSON File. WildCreatures is for me not so much important rather than Tamed Creatures and Player Structures. And about the Map-Images for V2: what be awesome if can create images each Tribe for each Tab: gcc arkSaveViewerAPI.c -savegame=/path/to/Ragnarok.ark -output=./output // This creates following JSON-Files ./output/wildCreatures.json (optional) ./output/tamedCreatures.json ./output/playerStructures.json // For V2 would be nice to have a Map-Image each Tribe ./output/tribeId_1122334455_PlayerStructures.jpg ./output/tribeId_6677889910_PlayerStructures.jpg ... // Same vor Tamed Dinos ./output/tribeId_1122334455_tamedCreatures.jpg ./output/tribeId_6677889910_tamedCreatures.jpg ... So we can make own link Tribe/Player Data to Image.
  14. @MirageUK the crashes was my own failure. The file was locked by windows. So doesnt matter in my case. But another question: do you think about an API? Would be awesome to call something like: for the first draft. This creates a json-file for every tab (WildCreatures, Tamed Creatures, Player Structres,...) and also die Maps-Images on-the-fly for each wild/tamed dino and player structures.
  15. @SPIKE982i have the same problem. My workaround is before i close the application i reset the "file location" to "single player". Hope this will be fixed soon
  16. Is it possible to add the Mutation values for Tamed Dinos?
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