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Everything posted by Dinobros2000

  1. Now a founder of the Evolution modding group and making the Oceania mod!

  2. Also my house is built into a mountain so yes I do..... it has a nice view too...
  3. Well I want to play through the story with my friend, and I’ve only clocked 30 hrs on a PC where I can use cheats to play with new dinos....I used to have Xbox, where typing “cheat” Takes 30 secounds...
  4. I bet it’s a big tek hoverboard that can alien beam creatures and throw them and can go really fast.
  5. (P.s. I got this right the first time seeing the side and thinking that it was something open the ocean, like a platform or a storage thing)
  6. I bet it’s a platform that fits in another platform and has a glitched side where walls place the wrong way!
  7. I bet it’s a turret that sits on your shoulder and has different modes, and is supposed to automatically But does only semi well
  8. I bet it’s a spider creature that sucks your guts out, even when you tame it, which is crazy hard, but is actually really cool cus it has a well oiled crazy Spider-Man swinging movement.
  9. I bet it’s a net to capture fish but dosent really improve the fishing system and has a funny little hand motion
  10. I bet it’s a tek thing that auto, open closes and turned on off things.
  11. I bet it’s some kinda bug that travels in swarms and makes your life horrible and lives in a bog...
  12. Anyone know details on modding sponsorship like what it entitles, dose WC just give you some money, or “buy” your mod, or like reveiw your updates? I’d like to see if I should try to get my mod sponsored, I’d also like a moderator or dev to reply so I know it’s valid..
  13. To clarify I actually haven’t played with: aberration-gennissis, griffin, and dninosucus. And wyvern.
  14. I still haven’t played with Gen dinos, also I’m not gonna buy the gen map till it goes off the “new sale” back to 10$... can’t wait to see the new map and fly around with the wyvern and who isn’t exited about giving the new dino infa stats and machine gunning down some creatures on the lava island
  15. Ummmm well crests are often debated the exact shape, and there are several dinos with very similar crests and it could be something more general such as “Pterosaur”(but probably something a bit more specific) just like “Trilobite” . Also ark isn’t nessiceraly know for Accurateness (see tiny megaldons, spitting dillos, and flying quetzals)
  16. Also if they did, they would probably(and could) make you pay money for each mod, like 2 dollars, enough to make you still buy it, this is why WC made the center rag, and valagrue offical parts of the game rather then you have to download them separately like on PC
  17. Ok didn’t know that, but they still reveled it, don’t know how they knew...
  18. Hahaha also they confirmed what creature they’re adding in the Wiki.... So WC kinda messed up the secret...
  19. Just wanna announce that two people posted in looking for members...
  20. Btw you have 20 times less posts then I have and only 4 times less reactions...
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