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  1. I was wondering if the devs can help me and my tribe out on small tribes. My server has been getting DDOS all day and won’t stop. I hope you guys can help or if someone can. It’s server 145 genesis
  2. Why is the reaper impregnation timer and levels stopped?
  3. I was wondering if anyone can answer either one of the 2 questions I have. The first one is what is this event perk added with this weekend evolution event. The second question is what creatures from genesis are allowed on aberration. I main an aberration. That’s why I was wondering
  4. Please do this wildcard. This would actually be a bit of fun and very interesting in my opinion
  5. I just looked at his YouTube channel. He already has a full video about the god mode
  6. I was wondering if someone can answer a quick question for me. I was wondering if any of the new genesis creatures are allowed on abb. My main server is an abb and I already tamed a ferox on genesis. I have it in cryo on abb and was wondering if I would be able to use it
  7. Just wondering but I understand for the need to shut down servers. But please bring the servers back up at the time you said you would. When you don’t do that it kind of becomes a guessing game of when it will be back up
  8. Flyers have other uses even if u cant ride them, especially the argy You’re right about that I won’t deny but that’s honestly the only good flyer that even when you can’t ride it. It’s still good to have. All the others have too little weight or no weight reductions.
  9. I know how that feels. I’m in the same boat with you I fully agree. I don’t know if there is any reason from wildcard about the no flier situation. But I think that if wildcard has them on the map and able to be tamed. Let us use them. If you don’t let us use them. What’s the purpose of having them spawn on the map then
  10. I know you can transfer your character to genesis but can you transfer tames, items, etc.?
  11. I know how that feels. I’m in the same boat with you
  12. I won’t deny that genesis is cool and all but when the abberation server that I’m on doesn’t come back up after the update. Me and many other people on my server are not happy about it. It’s also not just my server. There’s a decent sized list of servers that are down. If you can give us a warning next time or let us know if our servers will be back. Me and many others would greatly appreciate it.
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