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Early Birds
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Everything posted by SlowpokeinAction

  1. Hi Ark team, I'd like to know how you're going to make up for the 7-20k hours of progress people will lose on your official PvE servers in August. Really appreciated, how you dishonor those players who respected the rates and mechanics. Always complying to the hellish lag and rollbacks, deleting inventories and setting you back days. Forcing us to redo missions on gen 1 and 2 by randomly deleting that progress while your highscores are still displayed on the ranking boards. How can you say that is legitimate? Forcing people who played the game that long in an absolute legit way. I do understand it for pvp, but for PvE it's just a really hard punch straight in the nuts. All of us official players should be getting a ps5 sponsored by you greedy honorless worms. Love Dinos, hate snails. Regards, one of your most loyal official players in the name of most hardcore players.
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