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Everything posted by zero064

  1. One server is ridiculous. Even if my group was prepared to live on one map at a time (which we aren't), how are we supposed to move characters, dinos etc. between maps??
  2. If that's true and we can't have our own clusters, I'm definitely out. It'd be nice to hear something from the devs first though.
  3. Same here. I'll refund the game if I can't get this working.
  4. Is there a guide to configuring a server for ASA, or do we have to figure it out for ourselves? It's been a very long time since I did this for ASE without the help of a server manager. Guess I'll start with steamcmd and see what I can get running. EDIT: I made it as far as trying to steamcmd to install ASA, and received the following error: ERROR! Failed to install app '2399830' (No subscription) The release was only an hour ago, so I'll wait a bit and try again.
  5. That's good advice. I'll probably buy it anyway and complain later, lol.
  6. Man, it sure looks pretty. The recommended GPU is an RTX 3080 -- better get your Christmas lists updated. I wish they'd have shown how well it renders in a large base when you come flying in at top speed. Guess I'll have to wait until I build one to find out.
  7. You're the tribemate who's always getting into my compass blueprint vault, aren't you?
  8. There's already a thread on the movement speed, and most of us are quite happy about the change. I'm willing to give it a shot. As for the cost, nobody likes paying for another game, but making games costs money and Snail's financial picture isn't pretty. If you wanna play Ark, then be ready to pay.
  9. There was a time when the browser wouldn't show you servers running mods unless you had those mods installed. Could still be that way.
  10. Oct. 31 would be my guess. Maybe Oct. 30.
  11. I think it'll be fun to play without cryopods again for a while. We'll have to get tames around the map the way we did before Extinction. And if it gets tedious, there's sure to be a ASA version of Dino Storage that we can add to our servers until Extinction comes out.
  12. Yea, they've come in handy for our group more than once for their gathering abilities. I recall using them for something on Scorched Earth that was harder to get, and I'm sure we've used them in other places over the years too. If I remember right you gotta put a bunch of points in the right places.
  13. Those financials are ugly. Revenue is way down, although that's because Snail's only product of any consequence is Ark, and nobody's buying Ark right now. Managing cash flow must be a real challenge, and will remain so until ASA comes out. The stock is at $1.42, and there aren't many shares out. It's possible Snail could raise some money.
  14. Somebody at WC better clarify this one. Many of us won't play (or buy) ASA if we can't have our own servers.
  15. Yea, what Joe said. Every time I've had this problem it's because I'd assigned the dinos to a group and forgotten about it.
  16. Turns out there was another update this morning that seems to have fixed my problem. I'm not sure what changed (no patch notes from today), but it works fine now.
  17. Bah, I don't even have BattleEye enabled on my server and I get constant errors. I can connect, but I can't play for long before it throws me out with a network error. Basically unplayable right now.
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