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Soules ✧ Sensei ✧

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Everything posted by Soules ✧ Sensei ✧

  1. Tsk , this one looks bad in small , look at large ver
  2. Soules ✧ Sensei ✧

    My stuff

    When I play ARK This is what u get
  3. From the album: My stuff

    Dunno what something spooked him XD
  4. From the album: My stuff

    Hes not choking him dont worry
  5. From the album: My stuff

    The dilos and my friend all together XD
  6. Look like an armored lizard Common Name: Armadillo Girdled lizard Species: Lizard ._. Diet: Insects , spiders Wild It hides in rock cracks and crevices. Males are territorial
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