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Everything posted by Bloodavenger

  1. That's Fked lagit hundreds of hours breeding and getting a group together to do the bosses just down the drain because their programmers cant secure player data. I can pretty much remember act for act what we did to do the alpha bosses tek cave and titans. With mega tribes as bad as they are now i dont even know if i will ever be able to redo them.
  2. Character Lost?!?! Long story short character i had over 1.5k hours in just up and left never to be seen again. Contacted support they said unless i have screenshots (DILO who the fk does this) of the tek grams i had all i could get back was the levels... I have done all bosses on alpha with exception of Rockwell and the King titan which i have never done. Anyone know any ways to try and locate my character if it still exists on some server somewhere I have tried: Going through all servers on my survivor filter Checking the servers that battle metrics says i have been on literally going through 50 other servers that i might have been into I'm at a loss being told i have lost hundreds of hours of breeding and grinding to do these bosses so any help would be appreciated. Thanks
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